Sky-Mapper v.3.0.1
Python 3.6.2 (v3.6.2:5) GCC v4.2.1
Alex Broughton
Sky-Mapper is a python-3.6 based customizable generator for localized star maps intended for the amateur astronomer and for web-development. The application currently has a database with over 3,500 stars, planets and objects from the built-in EPHEM database, the Yale Bright Star (YBS)database, and a catalogue of Messier objects.The user may configure the map to their specifications by simply changing the global parameters in the module. The Star Atlas application takes care of scaling and non-user defined functionality for an easy-to-use interface.
This application can map planets, stars, constellations, and DSO's onto a stereographic projection of the sky given a location of obervation on the Earth.
Dependencies: v.5.0.1, v.
Currently, databases for stars and messier objects are in the database directory, but extra object databases in XEPHEM format can be found at:
VERBOSE = False Show detailed mag/alt/az data during runtime
STATISTICS = True Show breakdown of tabulated stars
MAG_0 = 0 System variable; always keep these as zero at launch/run time
MAG_1 = 0 |
MAG_2 = 0 |
MAG_3 = 0 |
MAG_4 = 0 |
SHOWSTARS = True Display stars
SHOWSTARNAMES = False Display stars' names
SHOWSOLARSYS = True Display solar system objects (includes Sun and Pluto)
SHOWSOLARSYSNAMES = True Display solar system objects' names
SHOWCONSTELLATIONS = True Show Constellation (under construction, only Big Dipper avail.)
SHOWMESSIER = True Show Messier objects
SHOWMESSIERNAMES = True Show Messier objects' names
DEGREES = (math.pi / 180.0) Const.
RADIANS = (180.0 / math.pi) Const.
HALF_WINDOW_SIZE = 300 1/2 the graphical window size in px
CANVAS_RADIUS = 250 Radius of the canvas in px
LONGITUDE = '-121.7405' Longitude (˚W) (measured in degrees counter-clockwise from prime meridian)
LATITUDE = '38.5449' Latitude (˚N) (measured in degrees north from the equator)
MAXMAGNITUDE = 4.5 Maximum allowed magnitude of displayed stars
VISIBLE = True System variable; always keep at 'True' at launch time
STARCOLOR = color_rgb(255, 255, 255) Graphics parameter: star color in RGB color code
CANVASCOLOR = color_rgb(0, 0, 0) Graphics parameter: canvas color in RGB color code
CANVASOUTLINECOLOR = color_rgb(255, 255, 255) Graphics parameter: canvas outline color in RGB color code
WINDOWCOLOR = color_rgb(0, 0, 0) Graphics parameter: window color in RGB color code
LETTERINGCOLOR = color_rgb(255, 255, 255) Graphics parameter: canvas label color in RGB color code
LABELCOLOR = color_rgb(104, 104, 104) Graphics parameter: object label color in RGB color code
(1) Cal Blue rgb(0, 85, 129)
(2) Darker Cal Blue rgb(0, 54, 82)
(3) Lighter Cal Blue rgb(0, 119, 180)
(3) Google Blue rgb(72, 133, 237)
(4) White rgb(255, 255, 255)
(5) Gray rgb(104, 104, 104)
(6) Black rgb(0, 0, 0)
(7) Default Window Color rgb(19, 33, 60)
(8) Default Canvas Color rgb(22, 39, 70)
(9) Default Outline Color rgb(38, 68, 121)