Playbooks to create simple instances of gce centos/apache with load balancing
- Steps described in Google Cloud Platform Guide
You need to modify the playbooks with the corresponding variables of your GCP account:
service_account_email: _Your_gce_service_account_email_
credentials_file: _Your_json_credentials_file_
project_id: _Your_project_id_
metadata: '{"sshKeys":" _Your_gce_user:_Your_rsa_public_key_ "}'
remote_user: _Your_gce_user_
These playbooks were successfully tested in Fedora 34 and CentOS 8 Stream with Ansible 2.9 @ 2021.
You need to run the playbook specifying the private key file to connect to the gce instances:
$ ansible-playbook gce-lb-apache.yml --key-file _Your_rsa_private_key_path_
All parts of this material are made available under the terms of the MIT License.
This playbooks was created in 2018 and updated in 2021 by Alex Callejas, blog