Implementation of the research paper Identifying Mislabeled Data using the Area Under the Margin Ranking.
Original paper:
This technique can be used to identify mislabeled or difficult samples in a dataset. These samples can then be relabeled or removed to improve the final performance of a model trained on the data.
identify_mislabeled_data.ipynb is an example showing how to apply AUM Ranking to identify mislabeled samples in a dataset. It outputs TensorBoard logs to runs/, which can be viewed with
tensorboard --logdir runs/
. - contains all the code specific to AUM Ranking.
- defines the ResNet-32 model used in the AUM paper.
- contains tests for
Ensure you have Python installed, create a virtual environment and activate it.
With the virtual environment activated, run
pip install -r requirements_pytorch.txt [--index-url INDEX_URL]
The --index-url
should only be specified if advised by
Now run
pip install -r requirements_main.txt
to install the remaining packages.
You should now be able to run identify_mislabeled_data.ipynb
If you want to be able to run the tests, then run
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
to install pytest.
To run the tests, run the command pytest .
(including the full stop).