This is a simple music bot. It can be used to play and queue tracks from youtube (see Commands). It can support multiple guilds (servers) at once and manages a queue for each guild separately.
All of these commands only affect the bots behaviour in the guild in which they were typed.
+play song
Joins the channel of the sender and plays the song. Song can be either search term or youtube link.
Skips the current track and starts playing the next track in the queue (if not empty).
Leaves the current voice channel.
Pauses the current track.
Resumes the current track.
Clears the queue and stops playing the current track.
The first dependency is ffmpeg. It can be downloaded from It also needs to be added to the system PATH.
Then there are two dependencies that can be installed via pip
pip install discord
pip install youtube_dl
First a application and bot must be made on the discord developer portal (
Then to run your music bot with python the bot_token at the bottom of has to be replaced with your own bot token (gotten from the discord developer portal).
Alternatively instead of storing the token inside the file it can also be stored in a file called keys in this format: BOT_TOKEN=YOURTOKEN. The keys file should be placed in the same directory as the file.
To run navigate to the directory containing the file. Then run it via
You might need to specify python version 3 in which case the following should suffice