Im a Roboticist specialising in all things Robotics, ML, and Mechatronics. Check out my repos 🙂
My relevant fields and projects include:
- Machine Learning for Robots: Robotic Finger
- Computer Vision/Convolutional Networks: CIFAR-10 Classifier
- Natural Language Processing(NLP): Sentiment Classifier
- Forward/Backward Kinematics on Robots: Bipedal Robot
- Control Systems for Robots: Line Follower, Bipedal Robot
- Map planning/ Localisation algorithms(SLAM): Space-Filling Robots
- Software Development with tight Robot Hardware Requirements: Thymio-Python Compiler
- Optical Sensor Simulation for Telescopic Systems: ESSPRESO Spectrograph
- And pure coding fun!: Particle Simulator
Lets make cheap robots a reality! 🤖🤖🤖