deprecated kubernetes-nifi-cluster please use
A nifi cluster running in kubernetes
This repo is now being deprecated in favour of a Helm compatible chart
I am going to appeal to add it into helm/charts as soon as my dependent zookeeper chart is added
Thank you!
This example is using Google Cloud Platform persistent volumes for its backing store (easy to convert to AWS).
There is no longer a requirement to install vortex for interpolation.
- For setting up the environment run:
docker run -v $PWD:/tmp tibbar/vortex:v1 -template /tmp/templates -output /tmp/deployment -varpath /tmp/environments/default.yaml
This will generate your default environment
Requires zookeeper
# Assumes you've checked it out next to the nifi cluster...
cd kubernetes-zookeeper-cluster
docker run -v $PWD:/tmp tibbar/vortex:v1 -template /tmp/templates -output /tmp/deployment -varpath /tmp/environments/small.yaml
kubectl create -f deployment/
cd ../kubernetes-nifi-cluster
Now zookeeper is setup with three nodes on the zk namespace you are ready!
Make sure zk is running to avoid headaches
# Please create the nifi namespace first
# Ensure you have run docker vortex build step mentioned above^
kubectl create ns nifi
kubectl create -f deployment/
Once running you should see...
kubectl get pods -n nifi
nifi-0 1/1 Running 0 25m
nifi-1 1/1 Running 0 25m
nifi-2 1/1 Running 0 25m
kubectl get pvc -n nifi
contentrepository-nifi-0 Bound pvc-c00b39d5-4710-11e9-b1b0-42010a800055 5Gi RWO standard 1d
contentrepository-nifi-1 Bound pvc-c0116c25-4710-11e9-b1b0-42010a800055 5Gi RWO standard 1d
contentrepository-nifi-2 Bound pvc-c019d7ee-4710-11e9-b1b0-42010a800055 5Gi RWO standard 1d
databaserepository-nifi-0 Bound pvc-c00a3682-4710-11e9-b1b0-42010a800055 5Gi RWO standard 1d
databaserepository-nifi-1 Bound pvc-c00f87a8-4710-11e9-b1b0-42010a800055 5Gi RWO standard 1d
databaserepository-nifi-2 Bound pvc-c017dbe4-4710-11e9-b1b0-42010a800055 5Gi RWO standard 1d
flowfilerepository-nifi-0 Bound pvc-c0096aac-4710-11e9-b1b0-42010a800055 5Gi RWO standard 1d
flowfilerepository-nifi-1 Bound pvc-c00df6bb-4710-11e9-b1b0-42010a800055 5Gi RWO standard 1d
flowfilerepository-nifi-2 Bound pvc-c016020d-4710-11e9-b1b0-42010a800055 5Gi RWO standard 1d
provenancerepository-nifi-0 Bound pvc-c008b6bd-4710-11e9-b1b0-42010a800055 5Gi RWO standard 1d
provenancerepository-nifi-1 Bound pvc-c0132c86-4710-11e9-b1b0-42010a800055 5Gi RWO standard 1d
provenancerepository-nifi-2 Bound pvc-c01aec6b-4710-11e9-b1b0-42010a800055 5Gi RWO standard 1d
Port forward to the UX:
kubectl port-forward nifi-0 8080:8080 -n nifi
kubectl scale --replicas <COUNT> sts/nifi
The environments/
folder can have new files added and used with <envname>
and those values interpolated
For more informatino on this please see here
A checklist for consideration I would think about before you want to run this in prod
- Use an identity aware proxy infront of the load balancer
- Recovery procedure from the PVC's
- Scaling, liveliness & readiness probes