For sending image:
- method = 'POST'
- content-type = 'multipart/form-data'
- url = ""
- data = {'width': '10', 'height': '100'}
- data['file'] = open('path/to/your/file.jpg', 'rb')
You will get the response like {'id': N}, where N is integer
For geting status of sent image:
- method = 'POST'
- content-type = 'application/json'
- url = ""
- data = {"id": N} N - from response of sending image
You will get the response {'status': 'not_ready'}, if image is not resized
And the response {'status': 'ready'}, if image is resized
For getting resize image:
- method = 'POST'
- content-type = 'application/json'
- url = ""
- data = {"id": N} N - from response of sending image
You will get the image if it's resized and message 'Repeat request later, image is not resized' if not