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Django Snippets Pro

Django Snippets Pro provides django support for Sulime Text.


Standard (using package-control):

  • Open the Command Pallete (ctrl+shift+P or cmd+shift+P).
  • Type “Install Package” and hit return.
  • Type “Django Sinppets Pro” and hit return.

Manually (using Git):

For Installing the package manually first make sure you have installed git on your system (specially on windows). Install package as a single command depending on your platform:

  • OSX
    git clone ~/Library/Application Support/Subime\ Text\ 3/Packages/Django\ Snippets\ Pro/
  • Linux
    git clone ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/Django\ Snippets\ Pro/
  • Windows
    git clone %APPDATA%\Sublime Text 3\Django Snippets Pro\


Package will provide snippets in following categories.

snippets description
imports snippets for imports
models snippets for models, model fields
forms snippets for forms, form fields
views snippets for views(views, genericviews, adminviews)
views extra snippets for views(views, genericviews, adminviews)
files snippets for file templates (urls, forms, cutomtags)
urls snippets for urls (fbv path, cvb path, path as include)
html files snippets for hmtl files

Django Snippets For Imports

Abbreviation Tag Description
imp-models models from django import models
imp-forms forms from django import forms
imp-getusermodel get_user_model from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
imp-generic generic view from django.views import generic
imp-jsonresponse JsonResponse from django.http import JsonResponse
imp-reverse reverse from django.urls import reverse
imp-reverselazy reverse_lazy from django.urls import reverse_lazy
imp-pdb pdb import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
imp-ipdb ipdb import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
imp-npdb npdb from import set_trace; set_trace()
imp-traceback traceback import traceback; traceback.print_exc();

Django Snippet For File Templates

Abbreviation Description
urlfile Url File Template
formfile Forms File Tempalte
customtagsfile Custom Tags File Template

Django Snippets For Urls

Abbreviation Description
path path("", VIEW, name="")
cpath path("", VIEW.as_view(), name="")
ipath path("", include("", namespace=""))
reverse reverse("", args=[], kwargs={})
lreverse reverse_lazy("", args=[], kwargs={})

Django Snippets For Models

Abbreviation Description
xmodel Full model template
model Simple model template
msave Models save Function
mfpath Models file upload path function
mproperty Models new property function
Abbreviation Name Tag
mauto Auto models.AutoField()
mbauto BigAuto models.BigAutoField()
mbigint BigInteger models.BigIntegerField()
mbool Boolean models.BooleanField()
mchar Char models.CharField()
mcoseint CSInteger models.CommaSeparatedIntegerField()
mdate Date models.DateField()
mdatetime DateTime models.DateTimeField()
mdecimal Decimal models.DecimalField()
mduration Duration models.DurationField()
memail Email models.EmailField()
mfile File models.FileField()
mfilepath FilePath models.FilePathField()
mfloat Float models.FloatField()
mjson JSON models.JSONField()
mgip GIP models.GenericIPAddressField()
mimg Image models.ImageField()
mint Integer models.IntegerField()
mip IP models.IPAddressField()
mnullbool NullBoolean models.NullBooleanField()
mphone Phone models.PhoneNumberField()
mposint PosInterger models.PositiveIntegerField()
mposbigint PosBigInterger models.PositiveBigIntegerField
mpossmallint SmallPosInteger models.PositiveSmallIntegerField()
mslug Slug models.SlugField()
msmallint SmallInt models.SmallIntegerFiled()
msmallauto SmallAuto models.SmallAutoField()
mtext Text models.TextField()
mtime Time models.TimeField()
murl URL models.URLField()
musstate USState models.USStateField()
muuid MUUID models.UUIDField()
mxml XML models.XMLField()
fk Foreignkey models.ForeignKey()
m2m ManyToMany models.ManyToManyField()
o2o OneToOne models.OneToOneField()

Django Snippets For Forms

Abbreviation Description
formfile Forms File Template
form Django Form
modelform Django Model Form
fclean clean_field
ffclean clean
Abbreviation Name Description
fbool Boolean forms.BooleanField()
fchar Char forms.CharField()
fchoice Choice forms.ChoiceField()
fcombo Combo forms.ComboField()
fdate Date forms.DateField()
fdatetime DateTime forms.DateTime()
fdecimal Decimal forms.DecimalField()
fduration Duration forms.DurationField()
femail Email forms.EmailField()
ffile File forms.FileField()
ffilepath FilePath forms.FilePathField()
ffloat Float forms.FloatField()
fgip GIP forms.GenericIPAddressField()
fimg Image forms.ImageField()
fint Integer forms.IntegerField()
fip IP forms.IPAddressField()
fmochoice ModelChoice forms.ModelChoiceField()
fmomuchoice ModelMultiChoice forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField()
fmuchoice MultiChoice forms.MultipleChoiceField()
fmuval MultiValue forms.MultipleValueField()
fnullbool NullBoolean forms.NullBooleanField()
fregex Regex forms.RegexField()
fslug Slug forms.SlugField()
fsdatetime SplitDateTime forms.SplitDateTime()
ftime Time forms.TimeField()
ftchoice TypedChoice forms.TypedChoiceField()
ftmuchoice TupedMultiChoice forms.TypedMultipleChoiceField()
furl URL forms.URLField()
fuuid UUID forms.UUIDField()

Django Snippets For Views

Abbreviation Description
view FBV View
cview CBV View
listview List View
formview Form View
createview Create View
updateview Update View
detailview Detail View
deleteview Delete View
templateview Template View
adminview Admin View (
tabularinline Admin Tabular inline view
stackedinline Admin Stacked inline view

Views Extra Snippets

Abbreviation Description
init init
__str__ __str__
dispatch dispatch
forminvalid form_invalid
formvalid form_valid
get get
post post
getcontextdata get_context_data
getformkwargs get_form_kwargs
getinitial get_initial
getobject get_object
getqueryset get_queryset
getsuccessurl get_success_url
r2r render_to_response

Django Snippets For HTML Files

Abbreviation Description
autoescape {% autoescape %} {% autoescape %}
block {% block %} {% endblock %}
blocktrans {% blocktrans %} {% endblocktrans %}
blocktrans {% blocktrans with as %} {% endblocktrans %}
comment {% comment %} {% endcomment %}
commentd {% comment "" %} {% endcomment %}
csrf {% csrf_token %}
cycle {% cycle %}
debug {% debug %}
extends {% extends "" %}
filter {% filter %} {% endfilter %}
firstof {% firstof %}
for {% for in %} {% endfor %}
fore {% for in %} {% empty %} {% endfor %}
if {% if %} {% endif %}
elif {% elif %}
else {% else %}
ifchanged {% ifchanged %} {% endifchanged %}
ife {% if %} {% else %} {% endif %}
ifelse {% if %} {% else %} {% endif %}
ifeq {% ifequal %} {% endifequal %}
ifequal {% ifequal %} {% endifequal %}
ifnotequal {% ifnotequal %} {% endifnotequal %}
include {% include %}
load {% load %}
now {% now "" %}
regroup {% regroup by as %}
spaceless {% spaceless %} {% endspaceless %}
ssi {% ssi %}
static {% static %}
staticu {{ STATIC_URL }}
media {{ MEDIA_URL }}
templatetag {% templatetag %}
trans {% trans %}
url {% url %}
verbatim {% verbatim %} {% endverbatim %}
vv {{ }}
tag {% %}
widthratio {% widthratio %}
with {% with as %} {% endwith %}
extrahead {% block extrahead %} {% endblock extrahead %}
extrasyle {% block extrastyle %} {% endblock extrastyle %}
extrajslibs {% block extrajslibs %} {% endblock extrajslibs %}
extrascript {% block extrascript %} {% endblock extrascript %}


Django Snippets Pro (Sublime Text Django Support)







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