This library implement Stream over UART based on STM32CubeMX HAL Driver
Following instructions shows how to use it for USART1
Configure UART in CubeMX and generate the code
UART Must be in IT or DMA mode
Define your
variable and initialize in main after UART initGlobal Area
uint8_t rxBuf1[128]; uint8_t txBuf1[128]; UARTStream uart1;
Main Function
UARTStream_init( &uart1, &huart1, rxBuf1, sizeof(rxBuf1), txBuf1, sizeof(txBuf1) );
handle into callbacksvoid HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef* huart) { switch ((uint32_t) huart->Instance) { case USART1_BASE: UARTStream_rxHandle(&uart1); break; // you can add more UART here } } void HAL_UART_TxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef* huart) { switch ((uint32_t) huart->Instance) { case USART1_BASE: UARTStream_txHandle(&uart1); break; // you can add more UART here } }
Start receive stream