a simple mqtt application to connect the module to broker and control and monitor data though wifi connection
- MicroPython
- Relay
- umqtt
- ESP32
as i am using the easy iot boards for development all i needed to do was to mount 2 modules on the board and get ready to use it.
first of all you need to set the variables inside the code which includes ssid and password for connecting to a wifi as station in boot.py
SSID = "wifi ssid"
PASSWORD = "wifi pass"
also you need to se the credentials for the mqtt broker
# MQTT Server Parameters
MQTT_CLIENT_ID = "promake-demo"
MQTT_BROKER = "test.mosquitto.org"
MQTT_TOPIC = "promake/receive"
in my usecase i have used iot mqtt panel to control the board, you can use your own application as the choice of control but based on the topics.
you can see the measurements update for every 3 seconds and you can also control the relay with the button assigned to it.
a little demonstration of the the board workflow can be found here:
Feel free to let me know if there are any problems or any request you have for this repo.