Ruby on Rails integration for ChromaDB based on chroma-db
were tested with Ruby 3.2.2 and Rails 7.1.2.
Install chromable
and add it to the application's Gemfile by executing:
$ bundle add chromable
Or, if bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install chromable
by executing:
$ gem install chromable
is depending on chroma-db
, so you will need to initialize it in config/initializers/chroma.rb
require 'chroma-db'
Chroma.connect_host = ENV.fetch('CHROMA_DB_URL', 'http://localhost:8000')
Chroma.logger =$stdout)
Chroma.log_level = Chroma::LEVEL_ERROR
Then, include Chromable
module in your model and initialize it:
class Post < ApplicationRecord
include Chromable
chromable document: :content, metadata: %i[author category], embedder: :embed, keep_document: false
def self.embed(text, **options)
options[:is_query] ||= false
if options[:is_query]
# Call OpenAI API to embed `text` as a search query.
# Call OpenAI API to embed `text` as a post content.
is a callable represents the text content you want to embed and store in ChromaDB (e.g. Could be a model attribute).metadata:
is a list of callables to be evaluated and passed to ChromaDB as metadata to be used to filter (e.g. Could be an instance method).embedder:
is a callable defined at the model level that returns the embedding representation for the giventext
based on someoptions
tells chromable to pass thedocument:
to ChromaDB and save it or not. It is useful if you just want to have the embeddings in ChromaDB and the rest of the data in your Rails application database to reduce memory footprint.keep_document:
by default.
Optionaly you can pass collection_name:
. If not passed, the plural form of the model name will be used.
The only required option for chromable
is document:
At this point, chromable
will create, update, and destroy the ChromaDB embeddings for your objects based on Rails after_save
and after_destroy
To interact with the ChromaDB collection, chromable
to query the collection using similar API used inchroma-db
gem, except for acceptingtext:
instead ofquery_embeddings:
. Extra arguments will be passed to theembedder:
. Behind the scenes,Model.query
will embed the giventext:
, then query the collection, and return the closestresults:
to access the collection directly.Model.delete_collection
to delete the entire collection.
puts Post.collection.count # Gets the number of documents inside the collection. Should always match Post.count.
text: params[:query],
results: 20,
where: chroma_search_filters,
is_query: true # `is_query` here will be passed to `Post.embed` as an option.
Post.first.neighbors(results: 20) # => [#<Post:0x0000ffff9e0b5f10 id: "0beb0f98...", ...>, ...]
Also, chromable
provides the following methods for each model instance:
: Retrieves the instance's ChromaDB embedding object.upsert_embedding
: Creates or updates the instance's ChromaDB embedding object.destroy_embedding
: Destroys the instance's ChromaDB embedding object.neighbors
: Gets the closestresults:
records to the current record.
All these methods (including Model.query
, Model.collection
, and Model.delete_collection
) are available with chroma_
prefix, if you have similar methods defined in your model.
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rspec
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
, and then create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag. The Publish Gem
Github Action will push the .gem
file to
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
Everyone interacting in the Chromable project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.