Fullstack coding challenge submission for an interview.
This application allows an user to search through Google Books through a custom API route.
See the design Document for further details.
Setup the PostgressSQL database using the script createTable.sql
Modify the script with the appropriate username and password before executing the script using:
psql -U postgres -a -f createTable.sql -p 5432
The Google Books API Key is loaded through the file gBooks_api_key.json which should contain the following key-value pair:
"BooksAPIkey": "API KEY HERE"
edit db_connection_info.js with your PostgressSQL database connection details
To run the server
In the google-books-server directory, run:
npm i
npm src/server.js
Runs the server in the development mode.
Endpoint will be http://localhost:8000
To run the web app
In the book-search-app directory, run:
npm i
npm start
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.