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Releases: Alluysl/alluysl-origins

Alluysl's Origins [1.16.5] - More overlay options and slipperiness-modifying power

06 Jul 17:23
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An update that takes data-driven overlays out of beta. As a reminder, you can now create your own overlay using the alluyslorigins:overlay power type (which supports conditions), with a few parameters which are slightly different from those in the beta so check the wiki, and if I haven't wrote anything there yet, contact me.

It also adds the modify_slipperiness power type, that allows you to make blocks more slippery (example below).


The mod REQUIRES this specific version of Origins (and the Fabric API as well) and Pehkui 2.1.0 or over to function properly.

Don't hesitate to open an issue if you find any bug!


Players with this power and boats they drive will slide on blocks as if their slipperiness was halfway in-between their normal one and a slipperiness of 1, but only on sand and when the player is exposed to the sky.
For reference the default is 0.6, slime blocks have 0.8, ice and packed ice 0.98, and blue ice 0.989.

	"type": "alluyslorigins:modify_slipperiness",
	"value": 0.5,
	"condition": {
		"type": "origins:exposed_to_sky"
	"block_condition": {
		"type": "origins:block",
		"block": "minecraft:sand"
	"affect_boats": true

Alluysl's Origins - Power-driven overlays

05 Jun 13:38
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A pre-release update that makes overlay powers data-driven. You can now create your own overlay using the alluyslorigins:overlay power type (which supports conditions), with a few parameters (some parameters may have no effect if certain values are chosen for other parameters, especially the ones dealing with blending!):

  • "r"/"g"/"b"/"a" :: float → the filter color (defaults to 1 for each)
  • "up_ticks"/"down_ticks" :: int → how many ticks it takes for the overlay to appear/disappear (up_ticks defaults to 0, down_ticks defaults to up_ticks)
  • "texture" :: ID → the texture of the overlay (defaults to textures/misc/nausea.png)
  • "style" (planning to change to "preset"): "classic"/"classic_alpha"(planning to change to "alpha") → if you want a monochrome overlay and your texture is a transparency mask, choose classic, else you may want to choose classic alpha (their only difference is what default blending and ratio influence parameters they set)
    • "start_scale"/"scale" :: float → the scale of the overlay relative to the size of the screen (can be larger), respectively when fully hidden and fully shown (scale defaults to 1, start_scale defaults to scale)
  • Custom styles are not implemented yet, if I make them, they should give you more freedom over the placement of the overlay (as of now, it's centered on screen)
  • "blend_equation" → "add"/"subtract"/"reverse_subtract"/"min"/"max"/"no_blend" (defaults to additive blending in classic (won't change) and classic alpha modes (shouldn't change), and to no blending otherwise (may change)), aliases:
  • "source_factor"/"destination_factor"/"source_alpha_factor"/"destination_alpha_factor" → (the alpha factors default to the source factors, which default to one in classic mode, and respectively source_alpha and one_minus_source_alpha in classic alpha mode), aliases:
  • "ratio_drives_color" :: boolean → whether the progress from fully hidden to fully shown should make the filter color darker (defaults to true in classic style and false otherwise)
  • "ratio_drives_alpha" :: boolean → whether the progress from fully hidden to fully shown should make the filter color more transparent (defaults to true in classic alpha style and false otherwise)

Example shown below.


The mod REQUIRES this specific version of Origins (and the Fabric API as well) and Pehkui 2.1.0 or over to function properly.

Don't hesitate to open an issue if you find any bug!

Example with the burrow overlay (made to work with the unfixed version of Origins 0.7.3, so some default values are set explicitly) which draws a brown overlay on screen:

	"type": "alluyslorigins:overlay",
	"r": 0.2,
	"g": 0.1,
	"b": 0.05,
	"up_ticks": 10,
	"down_ticks": 10,
	"start_scale": 2.0,
	"scale": 1.0,
	"ratio_drives_color": true,
	"ratio_drives_alpha": false,
	"condition": {
		"type": "origins:resource",
		"resource": "alluyslorigins:burrow_on",
		"comparison": "==",
		"compare_to": 1
	"hidden": true

Alluysl's Origins - Mole overlay change

02 Jun 00:37
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A minor update to the mole overlay that makes it based on ticks instead of frames.

The mod requires Origins 0.7.2 or over (and so the Fabric API as well) and Pehkui 2.1.0 or over.

Don't hesitate to open an issue if you find any bug!

Alluysl's Origins - Mole overlay

01 Jun 12:59
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A little update to the mole that adds a brown overlay similar to the nausea/phantomize one (just a different color) when you toggle your active ability.

The mod requires Origins 0.7.2 or over (and so the Fabric API as well) and Pehkui 2.1.0 or over.

Don't hesitate to open an issue if you find any bug!

Alluysl's Origins - Updated mole

29 May 23:40
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An update of the mole which turns its weakness to sunlight into a progressive debuff when exposed to any strong light. When you're crippled, shaders are applied for a more immersive experience (note that there might be some rendering artifacts while swapping shaders).

The mod requires Origins 0.7.1 or over (and so the Fabric API as well) and Pehkui 2.1.0 or over.

Don't hesitate to open an issue if you find any bug!

Alluysl's Origins - Mole

26 May 17:32
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Here comes the mole! Check the README for its powers. I also did a little cleanup on the clam but no actual gameplay change.

The mod requires Origins 0.7.1 or over (and so the Fabric API as well) and Pehkui 2.1.0 or over.

As of now it only adds things through data, so if you want to see a datapack instead, I can have a look at that, just ask.

Don't hesitate to open an issue if you find any bug!

Alluysl's Origins - Clam

22 May 12:54
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The first release of the mod. So far it only adds the clam. Check the readme for more information about the origin.

The mod requires Origins 0.7.1 or over (and so the Fabric API as well).

As of now it only adds things through data, so if you want to see a datapack for the clam, I can have a look at that, just ask.