So, this time I decided to create a discord bot that can get information of card in Trello to send a message In our channel. Rapidly, we are in engineering school and we work every night. I thought It was a good Idea to automatise some things. Every day we add card on Trello to say what we'll work. I wanted a Bot capable to get informations of these cards and send us the day, the name and what we have to work. Plus, we don't have to add a date by ourselves, the program will set the due date one day per one day everytime we add a card (just, we must create cards day by day)
You just have to create a Bot, create a file that fills some informations :
client = TrelloClient(
I used this module :
Simple code to delete message on channel "!d"
!rappel 'interval' 'note' #To remind every day or every week example : !rappel 1d Go to work
Add !archive to archive the first card in the list ✔️
Add an auto archive function ✔️
Add a card with a command on discord ❌
Music bot with (like Groovy) ❌
Scrapping of our school website (like agenda...) ❌ (my first tests were inconclusive. Because of bad tokens I think I can't)
- 01/03/2021
VHDL | Python | C |
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