Visualization on website of fundamentals data from companies.
After reading and after starting to invest on dividend stock, I decided to create a website that
will give us the possibility to visualize fundamentals data and more and to compare it with
another company (same sector for example) and with some sector means.
From what I know, I didn't find any website that give us all these data with graphs and free.
I wanted to try a big project with several languages and I thought it could be the most
intersting think I could do.
I create a database with 1279 companies, 900 are French and the others European and the indicators.
It's important that the companies are European companies because I'm using a PEA
(an account that gives us taxe advantages in France) and we can only buy European stocks.
Yes, if it's not the case when you come across this repo, give me some time.
At this point I didn't make your life easy if you want to test this website on your own.
So, try it online but if you want to test it at home and you don't find how to do it, send me something.
Yes, ask me and I'll send it to you :
I can't give it here because it's too big.