Dette er et monorepo for Authentication React Frontend sub-repo, med tilhørende BFF (backend-for-frontend) sub-repo.
Prosjektet er nystartet og informasjon i README i sub-repo kan være midlertidig eller ufullstendig. Det er også opprettet et Repo Wiki:
03.11.23 Lokal utvikling med API kall fra React app til BFF dotnet app, og mock av innlogging mot app-localtest dotnet app og Docker, fire prosesser kjørende samtidig. Dette er beskrevet i Repo Wiki (og kort nedunder).
SWAGGER oversikt over API tilgjengelig i browser på http://localhost:5191/swagger/index.html
The Authentication Frontend BFF needs a set of configurations to integrate and run.
During Development it is through
See the branch named "AuthFrontLocalTest" in the Altinn repo app-localtest ( ), for the changes needed in local-test to run the BFF locally.
For example, one needs to edit the config file in the loadbalancer to forward the correct route. This should be part of the "AuthFrontLocalTest" branch already.
Run the "loadbalancer" (really NginX reverse proxy) in Docker:
docker compose up -d --build
However, the Docker container "local-test" should be stopped (since we run that locally)
Run the BFF in the local folder (where program.cs is):
dotnet run
Run the local-test in the local src folder (where program.cs is):
dotnet run
Install the dependencies for the Frontend in its local folder if you are running the frontend for the first time:
yarn install
Run the Vite server for the Frontend in its local folder:
yarn start