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Altinn Correspondence - Meldingstjenesten


Local Development

The start.ps1 script runs all neccassary commands to run the project. If you want to run the commands seperate, you can follow the steps below:

The services required to support local development are run using docker compose: docker compose up -d

To support features like hot reload etc, the app itself is run directly. Either in IDE like Visual Studio or by running: dotnet watch --project ./src/Altinn.Correspondence.API/Altinn.Correspondence.API.csproj

Adding migrations:

To add a new migration you can run the following command:

dotnet ef migrations add "MigrationName" --project ./src/Altinn.Correspondence.Persistence --startup-project ./src/Altinn.Correspondence.API

Database migrations is applied automaticly on startup when doing local development, but to update the database manually, run:

dotnet ef database update --project ./src/Altinn.Correspondence.Persistence --startup-project ./src/Altinn.Correspondence.API


Formatting of the code base is handled by Dotnet format. See how to configure it to format-on-save in Visual Studio here.


The build and push workflow produces a docker image that is pushed to Github packages. This image is then used by the release action. Read more here: Readme-infrastructure