To run the Web Application on your local system download Node.js - . This will give you access to the node package manager which is essential to run the project .
- Open the terminal and type in
npm install
, to install all the dependencies. - Run:
npm start
- Open http://localhost:8000 to view it in the browser.
Initialize project using npm init
Install express using npm install express
Install ejs using npm install ejs
app.set('view engine','ejs');
Install the library npm install express-ejs-layouts
const expressLayouts = require('express-ejs-layouts');
Mongoose is a MongoDB object modeling tool designed to work in an asynchronous environment. Mongoose supports both promises and callbacks.
Install mongoose npm install mongoose
For reading and writing into cookies, we will be using a library called cookie-parser.
Install the library using the command npm install cookie-parser
Passport is an authenticated middleware for Node.js
Install the passport.js library using the command npm install passport
Install the passport-local using the command npm install passport-local
Install the library using the command npm install express-session
in the terminal.
MongoDB session store for Connect and Express written in Typescript
Install the connect-mongo using npm install connect-mongo
Install npm install env
for .env file
- Any system with basic configuration.
- Operating System : Windows / Linux / Mac
- Updated browser
- Node.js installed (If not download it here).
- Any text editor of your choice.
- Javascript
- NodeJS,ExpressJS
- MongoDB for database
- passportjs library for authentication
- HTML,CSS,ejs
- # and # autjentication
- Built using MVC Architecture
- User can search a movie name and get details of that movie
- Details of movies are fetched from API
- User can add a movie to a playlist
- Playlist is completely private and user can see it after login only
- Without # user can search movie and get details but cannot add to playlist