Grab tech articles daily from UGC communities, example: etc, site: Tech-Read
You can follow following steps to run it in your computer:
git clone && cd tech-read
npm i
npm run dev-build //this is for development, npm run pro-build is for production
npm start
Attention: before running it, ensure you already install node in your computer.
After that, open
with your browser. I recommend you use chrome latest for the best experience.
TR is my side project, which spent me about twenty days developing product prototype, and I will improve it in the next time. If you are interesting in TR or want to learn about TR, just click star botton or the link: TR Intro,
In order to facilitate daily development, I write a simple front-end development scaffolding, and it be used for this project. If you're interesting it, just clone it: web-fe-dev