thumbnail all the things
node-thumbnail creates a queue of images and converts them asynchronously into thumbnails. node-thumbnail has no binary dependencies --- only javascript.
thumb [options] source/path dest/path
-h, --help
-v, --version
-s SUFFIX, --suffix SUFFIX
-p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
-d, --digest
-t TYPE, --hashing-type TYPE
-w, --width
-c NUM, --concurrency NUM
-o, --overwrite
-i, --ignore
-q, --quiet
You can use this library with callbacks, or with promises.
var thumb = require('node-thumbnail').thumb;
// thumb(options, callback);
source: 'source/path', // could be a filename: dest/path/image.jpg
destination: 'dest/path',
concurrency: 4
}, function(files, err, stdout, stderr) {
console.log('All done!');
default options:
defaults = {
prefix: '',
suffix: '_thumb',
digest: false,
hashingType: 'sha1', // 'sha1', 'md5', 'sha256', 'sha512'
width: 800,
concurrency: <num of cpus>,
quiet: false, // if set to 'true', console.log status messages will be supressed
overwrite: false,
basename: undefined, // basename of the thumbnail. If unset, the name of the source file is used as basename.
ignore: false, // Ignore unsupported files in "dest"
logger: function(message) {
Note you must specify at least source
and destination
The options that you can pass in are the same as above.
source: 'src',
destination': 'dest'
}).then(function() {
}).catch(function(e) {
console.log('Error', e.toString());
$ npm install node-thumbnail
BSD, short and sweet