PowerShell module to interact with TOPdesk through its REST API. This module can be used to ease daily administration of TOPdesk as well as provide awesome automation abilities.
In order to connect to TOPdesk you will need to have an account with the required permissions. Create a separate permission group that only allows the use of the API. Enable permissions for "REST API".
See https://developers.topdesk.com/tutorial.html#show-collapse-config-topdesk for instructions on how to grant API permissions and how to generate an application password if you prefer. This module supports using an application password and using standard topdesk login creds.
TOPdeskPS is published to the PowerShell gallery and can be installed by running:
Install-Module -Name TOPdeskPS -Repository PSGallery -Scope CurrentUser
Connect-TdService -url 'https://Company.TOPdesk.net' -Register
Prompts for your TOPdesk credentials. Connects to your TOPdesk instance and registers the url. The next time you run Connect-TdService it will remember your TOPdesk Url.
Use an application password to connect rather than your TOPdesk login credentials. The username should be the topdesk login name of the user who created the application password.
Connect-TdService -url 'https://company.topdesk.net' -ApplicationPassword
Return incidents
Get-TdIncident -ResultSize 50
$IncidentParams = @{
Action = 'Initial Action'
BriefDescription = 'brief description'
CallerEmail = 'Test@Test.com'
New-TdIncident @IncidentParams
$incidentParams = @{
Number = 'I1811-123'
Action = 'Updated Action'
Operator = (Get-TdOperator 'username@company.net').id
Category = 'TechSupport'
Subcategory = 'PowerShell'
Set-TdIncident @incidentParams
$personParams = @{
Surname = 'Doe'
BranchId = (Get-TdBranch -Name HQ).id
NetworkLoginName = 'User@company.com'
Gender = 'FEMALE'
Email = 'User@company.com'
New-TdPerson @personParams
Use the task notifications api to send alerts to your operators.
Send-TdTaskNotification -Title 'TOPdesk notification from PS!' -Body "You've got the power" -OperatorId (Get-TdOperator 'First.Last').id
For the full web based documentation visit the TOPdeskPS site
A detailed release history is contained in the Change Log.
TOPdeskPS is provided under the MIT license.