this is a small sample of how easy is to write F# Functions for Google Cloud Platform
- Create a gcloud project
- Run
gcloud init
- Set your project where you want to deploy your functions
- Run
gcloud functions deploy json-to-csv-fn --entry-point JsonToCsv.Function --runtime dotnet3 --trigger-http --allow-unauthenticated
Note: this will allow anyone to hit your function so be careful for potential abuses
Note: do not forget to put your cloud function endpoint in the index file line 11 (index.fsx:11)
once your function is deployed
- Run
dotnet fsi index.fsx
this will make a request your endpoint with a sample data set and convert that json into an excel file which will be downloaded into file.xlsx
you can delete the current one to see it's working
originally it was going to be a csv file, but I decided to spice it a little bit more and convert that into a full Excel file thanks to this project so feel free to go and support Zaid's wonderfull OSS work any time you can 😁