Releases: AngleOSaxon/AzureFirewallCalculator
Releases · AngleOSaxon/AzureFirewallCalculator
- Visual display of IP Range overlap when comparing overlapping rules
- Preliminary support for policy-based firewalls
- Does not recursively load child policies
- Only loads policies attached to a firewall; policies cannot be loaded on their own
- Ignores the RuleCollectionGroup level of organization, particularly its priorities
- Shows the source of an IP range in a rule--IP Group, resolved FQDN, etc
- Handles dark themes marginally better
Bug fixes:
- Fix bug causing infinite loop when performing overlap calculations for specific rules
- Trim input before searching, to prevent parse errors on IP addresses with leading or trailing spaces
Network Rule overlap analysis
Adds the ability to analyze whether network rules overlap each other and to what extent they do so. Can either search for a specific network rule, or show all completely overlapping rules in a firewall.
Calculates a cumulative overlap, so that a single rule that is fully matched by a combination of other rules will still show as fully overlapped.
Does not currently take into account Deny rules or rule priority.
- Securely cache auth tokens so that a new login isn't always required when the application starts
- Show actual success and error pages on login
- Allow selection of multiple lines at once in the IP lists
- Bold matched network protocols
- Allow filtering error messages by Trace level as well as Debug, Information, Warning, and Error
- Fix exceptions when loading a firewall that references IP Groups you don't have permission to read
- Re-add and improve warning when no rules match the request
- Fix bug preventing resolved IPs from FQDNs from appearing in the matched network rules
- Disables dropdowns on Load From ARM page when loading
- Accessing those dropdowns while loading causes inconsistency, duplications, etc
- Execute search when the Enter key is pressed while an input field is focused
- Fix bug where results weren't ordered properly
- Collapse separate Network and Application Rule searches into single search
- When searching Network rules with a port other than 1433, 443, or 80, also return Application rules with the same port
- Display warning when matching Application rules on a nonstandard port for that application protocol
- Cache ARM data so that it doesn't have to be reloaded when switching to DNS screen and back
- Cache DNS lookup results, allowing overrides from DNS screen
- Added button to clear caches
- Show resolved DNS values on screen
Fix another bug breaking network rule searches.
Fix bug that prevented IPs from being used to search network rules
- Switch to .NET 8
- DNS override improvements
- Proper tab behavior
- Changes are automatically saved when navigating away
- No longer crashes when invalid IPs are saved
- Handle and report exceptions when loading IP Groups
- Allow wildcard search of ports
- Better, per-field validation
- Fallback to load service tags from public endpoint if Azure API fails
- Improved layout of search fields
New Features
- Replaces DataGrids with single TreeView for all results, Application and Network
- The nested DataGrids had issues with the scrolling bouncing up and down as elements were reused and their height changed due to their contents
- Improves firewall load speed by no longer logging IPv6 addresses when processing Service Tag information
- Allows resizing Log view. Reduces default window size back to 1600, so it fits on non-4K screens
- Resolve names put in IP search fields, so that hostnames can be used in place of IPs when looking up rules
- Adds display of Ports and Protocols, bolding matches
- Matched Network Protocols are not currently bolded
- Wildcard destination searches in Application Rules now also count as wildcard destination searches in Network Rules
- Logs should now scroll all the way to the bottom after large batches of messages logged