Awesome SwiftUI 🧭
A curated list of awesome SwiftUI tutorials, libraries, sessions and articles.
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- SwiftUI
- Documentation
- WWDC 2019
Notice: Apple Developer Program required.
Resource download
- Xcode 11 Download
- iOS Image Download restore image
- iPadOS Image Download restore image
- macOS Catalina Image Install profile
- watchOS Image Install profile
- Creating and Combining Views
- Building Lists and Navigation
- Handling User Input
- Drawing Paths and Shapes
- Animating Views and Transitions
- Composing Complex Interfaces
- Working with UI Controls
- Interfacing with UIKit
- SwiftUI Cheatsheet
- SwiftUI 与 Combine 编程
- SwiftUI 编程思想
- SwiftUI by Tutorials
- 204 - Introducing SwiftUI: Building Your First App
- 237 - Building Custom Views with SwiftUI
- 238 - Accessibility in SwiftUI
- 226 - Data Flow Through SwiftUI
- 231 - Integrating SwiftUI
- 233 - Mastering Xcode Previews
- 216 - SwiftUI Essentials
- 240 - SwiftUI On All Devices
- 219 - SwiftUI on watchOS
- An Instagram clone using SwiftUI and GraphQL [1] [2] [3] [4]
- SwiftUI, Combine, and Firebase [1] [2] [3] - - Medium@Peter Friese
- SwiftUI + Combine = ❤️ - - Medium@Peter Friese
- Get started with SwiftUI - Hacking with Swift
- Inside SwiftUI's Declarative Syntax's Compiler Magic - SwiftRocks
- SwiftUI’s relationship to UIKit and AppKit - WWDC by Sundell
- A first look at SwiftUI: Apple's declarative new UI framework - WWDC by Sundell
- Answers to the most common questions about SwiftUI - WWDC by Sundell
- Making real-world app with SwiftUI - Majid's
- SwiftUI 的一些初步探索 (一) - 小专栏@onevcat
- SwiftUI 的一些初步探索 (二) - 小专栏@onevcat
- SwiftUI 的 DSL 语法分析 - 知乎专栏@黄二少碎碎念
- 从 SwiftUI 谈声明式 UI 与类型系统 - 知乎专栏@CyanTalks
- SwiftUI Are we saying goodbye to IB(UIStoryboard) ? - Medium@Mohammad Sawalha
- Tutorial: How to setup a SwiftUI project - Medium@Martin Lasek
- What SwiftUI Means for Flutter - Medium@Martin Rybak
- SwiftUI 程式開發初體驗 - Medium@彼得潘的 iOS App Neverland
- SwiftUI - How to setup a project - Medium@Martin Lasek
- How To Make a Simple Countdown Timer with SwiftUI - Medium@Antoine Barrault
- SwiftUI - Understanding State - Medium@Martin Lasek
- Understanding SwiftUI in depth - Medium@Balraj Singh
- A Skeptics view on SwiftUI - Medium@Jille van der Weerd
- Optionals in SwiftUI - Medium@Jasper Haggenburg
- URL Image view in SwiftUI - Medium@Dmytro Anokhin
- What Swift UI means to current Apps and Frameworks - Medium@Luca Kiedrowski
- How to build a Chat App or Messenger in SwiftUI for iOS Swift - Medium@Nick Halavins
- Presenting UIViewControllers in SwiftUI - Medium@Johannes Nevels
- A Week With SwiftUI -
- SwiftUI, First Impression - Medium@Ahmad Fayyas
- SwiftUI & Combine: Better Together - Medium@Peter Friese
- Programmatic navigation in SwiftUI project - Medium@nalexn
- Clean Architecture for SwiftUI - Medium@nalexn
- Variadic DisposeBag for Combine subscriptions - Medium@nalexn
- 8 Amazing SwiftUI Libraries to Use in Your Next Project - Medium@rudrankriyam
- Create a map view compatible with SwiftUI - Mapbox
- SwiftUI Architectures: Model-View, Redux & MVVM - QuickBird Studios
- Modern Dependency Injection in Swift - Medium@michaellong
- devxoul/SwiftUITodo - An example to-do list app using SwiftUI which is introduced in WWDC19
- marty-suzuki/GitHubSearchWithSwiftUI - SwiftUI and Combine based GitHubSearch example.
- ra1028/SwiftUI-Combine-Example - This is an example project of SwiftUI and Combine using GitHub API.
- timdonnelly/SwiftUITimeTravel - An experimental time traveling state store for SwiftUI
- alexpaul/SwiftUI-Landmarks - Introducing SwiftUI. A declarative way to create User Interfaces with Swift.
- Yohrd/iOS-Portfolio-Rodrigo - Portfolio criado em Swift 5.1 (Beta) e SwiftUI
- ra1028/SwiftUI-Flux - This is a tiny experimental application using SwiftUI with Flux architecture.
- unixzii/SwiftUI-2048 - A 2048 game writing with SwiftUI.
- agiletalk/SwiftUINote - Simple note app using SwiftUI
- artemnovichkov/SwiftUI-by-Examples - Examples of new SwiftUI framework
- jrtibbetts/TempusRomanumII - The SwiftUI implementation of TempusRomanum
- hotchner/SwiftUICalculator - A calculator app using SwiftUI which is introduced in WWDC19
- YOONMS/WWDCPlayer - WWDC19 player using SwiftUI
- leavenstee/InstaFake-Swift-UI - Swift UI Demo for an instagram copy
- Dimillian/MovieSwiftUI - SwiftUI & Combine app using MovieDB API
- alexdrone/DispatchStore - Package that implements an operation based multi-store à-la Flux for SwiftUI.
- miliPolo/SwiftUI_Jike - Build Jike App UI with SwiftUI
- danielctull/SwiftUI-Tutorials - All of the SwiftUI tutorials in one easy download.
- robbiet480/TransitPal - A open source Swift app for iOS 13 that allows you to check your NFC transit card information. Written with SwiftUI.
- vinhnx/CombineUnsplash - Exploring SwiftUI + Combine + Result by using Unsplash API, with detailed code explaination
- Jinxiansen/SwiftUI - SwiftUI Framework Learning and Usage Guide.
- StevenLambion/SwiftDux - Redux inspired predictable state management for SwiftUI applications.
- antgar/CombineMarbles-SwiftUI - Diagrams for the new Combine framework
- SwiftUIX/SwiftUIX - An extension to the standard SwiftUI library
- SwiftWebUI/SwiftWebUI - A demo implementation of SwiftUI for the Web
- pietropizzi/GridStack - A flexible grid layout view for SwiftUI
- nickffox/KeyboardObserving - ⌨️A Combine-based way to observe and adjust for Keyboard notifications in SwiftUI
- SwiftUIX/GoshDarnBugs - A collection of bugs present in the SwiftUI beta.
- luoxiu/CombineX - CombineX is an open source implementation for Apple's Combine specs.
- alexejn/TypeYouCard - SwiftUI Paycard form
- nalexn/clean-architecture-swiftui - Clean Architecture for SwiftUI demo app
- nalexn/ViewInspector - Runtime inspection and unit testing of SwiftUI views
- muukii/Verge - iOS + Flux - Verge is a state management tools (Store, ViewModel, ORM, Reactive) on iOS App (UIKit / SwiftUI)
- apptekstudios/ASCollectionView - A SwiftUI collection view
- siteline/SwiftUI-Introspect - Introspect underlying UIKit components from SwiftUI
- dmytro-anokhin/url-image - Asynchronous image loading in SwiftUI
- hbmartin/Directory-SwiftUI - A card interface contacts app built on Core Data and Alamofire
- onurhuseyincantay/Hover - Hover an async combine supported network library
- joehinkle11/Lazy-Pop-SwiftUI Modifier that allows swiping on any part of the screen to start an interruptible pop animation to the previous view.
- joehinkle11/#-with-Apple-Firebase-SwiftUI SwiftUI component that handles logging in with Apple into Firebase. Complete tutorial in the README.
- Cay-Zhang/SwiftSpeech - A speech recognition framework designed for SwiftUI
- Zaprogramiacz/GrowingTextView - Growing text view implementation in SwiftUI
- mythxn/DesignCode-SwiftUI - 📱 An app fully written in SwiftUI showcasing beautiful design and animations.
- carson-katri/reddit-swiftui - A cross-platform Reddit client built in SwiftUI
- mecid/swiftui-recipes-app - Recipes app written in SwiftUI using Single State Container
- sgr-ksmt/FireTodo - Simple Todo Application using SwiftUI / Firebase / Redux.
- caiobzen/water-reminder-swiftui - A simple Apple Watch app to remind you to drink water!
- simonboots/SwiftUIFourierSeries - A Fourier Series visualisation written in Swift/SwiftUI
- sindresorhus/Defaults -
replacement for UserDefaults. - sindresorhus/Preferences - Create a good-looking preferences window for your macOS app in SwiftUI.
- sindresorhus/KeyboardShortcuts - User-customizable global keyboard shortcuts for your macOS app.
- quassummanus/SVG-to-SwiftUI - SVG to SwiftUI Shape converter tool.
- lorenzofiamingo/SharedObject - 🍱 A new property wrapper for SwiftUI
. - stleamist/BetterSafariView - A better way to present a
or start aASWebAuthenticationSession
in SwiftUI. - huybuidac/SwiftUIFontIcon - Font icon for SwiftUI (Material icon, Ionicons, Font Awesome 5 Free)
- SimformSolutionsPvtLtd/SSToastMessage - 📱 An library writtern in purly in SwiftUI to show
toast, alert or floating message
with using modifier.