We plan to develop a system EleNa, to tell the user a route that maximizes/minimizes the elevation within the user specified limit of the percentage of shortest path, given the start and end locations in the town of Amherst.
with pip:
pip install osmnx, networkx, geopy
or simply run requirements.txt
- Run
to set-up the flask application. - Head over to
on your preferred browser to use the web interface.
Please refer to the video presentation for a simple demo involving the project know-hows and run strategies.
- To run the tests run
python test/test.py
from the home directory. - Manual UI testing available in
- Open/Closed principle : Used
to set configurable parameters eg. API key, map center etc.
- Factory pattern : to set distance metric ie either Haversine(default), Manhattan or Eucliedean
- Strategy pattern : to choose different algorithms i.e Djisktra or A-star algorithm
Please refer to the video presentation
Ankita Naik
Apurva Swarnakar
Prabodh Shetty
Saurabh Kumar Shashidhar
Shezan Rohinton Mirzan