, About Me:
I'm Computer Engineer with a keen interest in Coding.
π₯ I'm Founder of Dynamic Nexus Solutions & Chain Commerce
π Iβm currently working with MERN | Web3 | Solana | webRTC | MediaSoup | Astro | Nextjs
π± Iβm currently learning CI/CD
π― Iβm looking to collaborate on OpenSource Projects
π¨βπ» All of my projects are available at My Portfolio
π« How to reach me anmolnoor59@gmail.com or book a Meet
β‘ Fun fact I like VSCode | Linux
2018-2022 - Bhai Gurdas Institute of Engineering and Technology, Sangrur.
- Web3 Developer
- Solana web3 Developer
- React Native Development
- Android Development
- MERN Development
- Front-End with React, Next
- Back-End with NodeJS, Express, Axios
- Database Such as MongoDb, MySQL, Firebase
- CSS FrameWork BootStrap, Tailwind, Material_UI, Mantine
- UI/UX Designing with Figma, AdobeXD, Photoshop
- Linux User & Git/GitHub
- Problem Solving & Interpersonal Skill
Frontend Engineer at Huddle01 - I have worked on frontend of Huddle01 website as Frontend Engineer. Also got the opportunity to work with webRTC, Mediasuop, Sockets.
React Native Intern at Fortec Solution - I have worked on Complaint Ticket Booking App of Protocol Solutions. It was fully automated Ticket Generator using React-Native as Frontend and PHP based API. I have also work on App UI/UX.
Team Lead at SWPL - I have worked with team of 5 Developer. We worked on Two projects, which are Rural Paisa and Full Stop in MERN Stack.
Web-Developer Internship at ALS - I have complete my 1 month Internship which include 3 projects. Such as Single Page website(landing page), College ERP, E-commerce (ReactJS).
- NFT Droper It is a NFT droper on Solana Chain
- D-twitter It is a decentralised Twitter
- wallet-dapp It is a Solana wallet playground
- Image-Portal It is a buildspace Solana IMG Portal Project
- solana-riptide-leader-board Leader board of the Solana riptide Hackathon XD
- Flashback RealTime Social Media WebAPP with MERN along with uploading posts, like , share , delete.
- Next Events It is a Nextjs application with all benefits of next js
- Meetup It is a React application with all benefits of Reactjs
- Next Routing It is a Nextjs application for testing routing
- natours It is a Full Backend for a tours website with full security
- Reservation System It is a reservation system in TS
- EJS and NodeJS + Express Based College Task management System.
- Node Farm It is a website with just node js
- Security A Simple Login and Registration app with Implementing Various Encryptions Such as BcryptJS, OAuth, Hashing, etc.
- Todo List A todo list with MongoDB database to store states
- Daily Journal Blog Application with MongoDB database on Express server.
- News letter It is a newsletter with Mailchimp
- Weather Project app along with API from Open weather map.
- Simon Game It is a Simon game
- Drum Kit It is a Drumkit in Website
- Dice Roll It is a Dice roller.
- Tindog A tinder for dogs
- Vim Cheatsheet
- Markdown syntax Cheat sheet\
Complaint Ticket Booking Project with React Native for Protocol Solutions.
A Login and Registration with JWT Tokens with Private routing and access control.
Note: Top languages is only a metric of the languages my public code consists of and doesn't reflect experience or skill level.