Sometimes known as Dungeon Cubed this is a WIP unity dungeon game with action and rougelike elements. The end goal is to make a fun, playable game that at least a small number of people can enjoy and that we can finish. We are probably aiming to release summer of 2017.
Becareful with editing stuff because this is a Unity project and weird things happen. Don't just upload what you think you changed please. I work with the Github app and it automatically syncs with the file on my computer to figure out and commit changes.
- Download File and put it in your unity workspace
- Go into unity and hit "open"
- Navagate and open the folder labeled 'Dungeon^3'
- Get editing!
- Add player movement (could use improvement)
- Add shooting arrows
- Add sword combat
- Add damage detection for slime monster
- Add damage for player/slime attacks
- Add health
- Dying
- Health Bar (maybe like one in Farcry 2 where it is split into segments and only auto-regens one segment and you need potions to regen other sections.
- Add XP
- Add Levelling Up and Character Stats
- Level Up Animation
- Add implementation of effects of all Stats
- Add dungeon generation? / Room progression
- Data Persistence to Save stuff between Rooms
- Add different monsters
- Ghost
- Poison trail slime
- Fire Slimes
- Things other than slimes?
- Others
- Inventory
- Make equipping different items show different models in-game
- Items(Need Many More, but Framework is there)
- Chests/Loot Bags
- Items dropped by monsters
- More Weapons and Items
- Menu/Settings
- Proper UI Scaling
- Pause Menu
- Options
- Start Menu
- Play Menu?
- Death Menu
- Add Red Vision at Low Health (Maybe we don't need this, it might look weird)
- Plot
- Sprucing up Looks and Making it look more professional (Models, textures, lighting, rendering, animations, particles, etc.)
- Tutorial
- Music
- Sound Effects
- Path finding/Better AI ##Things to Consider
###Items How should items, items' stats and player item-related stats work?
Maybe: Each item is ranked by recharge speed, and strength. After each strike/shot there is a time before you can shoot/swing again, determined by the item recharge speed. Obviously, the strength would correlate to the damage done. The player's melee/ranged weapon skill improves the damage and the recharge speed? Or maybe just the damage done by each category of weapon respectively.
Categories of Weapons and Approxiamite numbers:
- Melee
- Swords (10 in game) - Middle of the road stats for speed/strength
- Hammers/Axes (7 in game) - high strength and low speed
- Knives (5 in game) - low strength high speed
- Ranges
- Bow (10 in game) - Some have balanced speed/strength but some also have higher speed and lower strength
- Crossbow (5 in game) - high strength lower speed
###Saving Should players be allowed to save?
- No
- Save & Quit Button Between Levels
- Whenever you quit to title
- Autosave
- Save should clear on death
##Extensions to the Game Once Finished
- First Person View
- Build your own level
- Special Skill/Power Tree
- Magic/Mana and Spells
- Multiplayer (Costs $$$)
- Achievements
- Classes
- Customizable Color
- Mobile Port
- Free version with 10 levels and a boss
- $0.99 version with unlimited levels, all monsters, all items, and player customizability.
##Plot Ideas
The cube (our main character) has been living in a world of spheres. Because he is a cube, he is socially outcast. Eventually, he screws something up (maybe breaks something important) and they banish him into a dungeon that nobody has ever came back from. He fights his way through a horde of slime and monsters (the game), eventually, when he kills a big boss slime, he realizes that the slimes were really cubes like him, and that the big boss was his father.
Plot points are conveyed through dropped notes in the level.