Name: Anna Williford
School ID: 1000771759
Department: Data Science
University: UTA
Level: Always learning
Position Title: Lecturer
Course Webpage
Etherpad Link:
This repository contains my homework, quizzes, and virtually every effort that I have made for PHYS5391. The structure of the project is the following:
This directory contains all my homework submissions, each of which is a folder properly named with homework number, containing the homework submission.
This directory contains all my quiz submissions, each of which is a folder properly named with quiz number, containing the quiz submission.
This directory contains all my exam submissions, each of which is a folder properly named with exam name or number, containing the exam submission.
For questions and troubleshooting, please contact:
Anna Williford
I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.
Thomas A. Edison