Arma 3 Survival 0.7.32
FIXED: If no respawns are left and players clear a wave, dead players do not respawn.
FIXED: Paratroopers seem to not get there full loadouts back after landing.
ADDED/"FIXED": Enemy AI collision detection script and mission parameter to turn off. Only makes a real difference if you plan to be blocking off roads from infantry. Recommend turning it off if you want to fight in rural areas and fields as the AI path differently there. Still, don't be dumb, funnel the AI with paths into a base instead of trying to completely block entry, use map objects in conjunction with built ones, keep the hosts FPS as high as you can (use the View Distance Limiter in the map). This is not a perfect solution and I can't guarantee the AI will never cheese through an object, but it's not within the scope of this mission to fix that. If you would like to test performance with the script on and off while in mission, use the console to set BLWK_doDetectCollision to false on the AI handler (the server unless you have a headless client). You can set it back to true after, but it will only affect newly spawned enemies.
ADDED: RHS GREF faction support.
ADDED: Project OPFOR faction support.
CHANGED: Alphabetized faction selection list for community factions.
CHANGED: Made cargo towers indestructible.