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ghcide: Core.Compile: add getDocsNonInteractive
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This function was "inspired" from GHC code of `getDocs`.

Since `getDocsBatch` is not really used for batch - only for singleton elements,
lets make 1 element processing function & use it.
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Anton-Latukha committed Dec 25, 2021
1 parent e78546a commit 3de4c48
Showing 1 changed file with 27 additions and 24 deletions.
51 changes: 27 additions & 24 deletions ghcide/src/Development/IDE/Core/Compile.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -989,39 +989,42 @@ mkDetailsFromIface session iface linkable = do
initIfaceLoad hsc' (typecheckIface iface)
return (HomeModInfo iface details linkable)

-- | Non-interactive, batch version of 'InteractiveEval.getDocs'.

-- | Non-interactive modification of 'GHC.Runtime.Eval.getDocs'.
-- The interactive paths create problems in ghc-lib builds
--- and leads to fun errors like "Cannot continue after interface file error".
--- and lead to fun errors like "Cannot continue after interface file error".
getDocsNonInteractive :: Name -> IOEnv (Env TcGblEnv TcLclEnv) (Name, Either GetDocsFailure (Maybe HsDocString, Maybe (Map.Map Int HsDocString)))
getDocsNonInteractive name = do
case nameModule_maybe name of
Nothing -> return (name, Left $ NameHasNoModule name)
Just mod -> do
{ mi_doc_hdr = mb_doc_hdr
, mi_decl_docs = DeclDocMap dmap
, mi_arg_docs = ArgDocMap amap
<- loadModuleInterface "getModuleInterface" mod
isNameCompiled =
-- TODO: Find a more direct indicator.
case nameSrcLoc name of
RealSrcLoc {} -> False
UnhelpfulLoc {} -> True
pure . (name,) $
if isNothing mb_doc_hdr && Map.null dmap && Map.null amap
then Left $ NoDocsInIface mod isNameCompiled
else Right (Map.lookup name dmap, Map.lookup name amap)

-- | Non-interactive, batch version of 'GHC.Runtime.Eval.getDocs'.
:: HscEnv
-> Module -- ^ a moudle where the names are in scope
-> [Name]
-> IO (Either ErrorMessages (Map.Map Name (Either GetDocsFailure (Maybe HsDocString, Maybe (Map.Map Int HsDocString)))))
-- ^ Return a 'Map' of 'Name's to 'Either' (no docs messages) (general doc body & arg docs)
getDocsBatch hsc_env _mod _names = do
((_warns,errs), res) <- initTc hsc_env HsSrcFile False _mod fakeSpan $ Map.fromList <$> traverse findNameInfo _names
((_warns,errs), res) <- initTc hsc_env HsSrcFile False _mod fakeSpan $ Map.fromList <$> traverse getDocsNonInteractive _names
pure $ maybeToEither errs res
findNameInfo :: Name -> IOEnv (Env TcGblEnv TcLclEnv) (Name, Either GetDocsFailure (Maybe HsDocString, Maybe (Map.Map Int HsDocString)))
findNameInfo name =
case nameModule_maybe name of
Nothing -> return (name, Left $ NameHasNoModule name)
Just mod -> do
{ mi_doc_hdr = mb_doc_hdr
, mi_decl_docs = DeclDocMap dmap
, mi_arg_docs = ArgDocMap amap
<- loadModuleInterface "getModuleInterface" mod
pure . (name,) $
if isNothing mb_doc_hdr && Map.null dmap && Map.null amap
then Left $ NoDocsInIface mod $ isCompiled name
else Right (Map.lookup name dmap, Map.lookup name amap)
isCompiled n =
-- TODO: Find a more direct indicator.
case nameSrcLoc n of
RealSrcLoc {} -> False
UnhelpfulLoc {} -> True

fakeSpan :: RealSrcSpan
fakeSpan = realSrcLocSpan $ mkRealSrcLoc (Util.fsLit "<ghcide>") 1 1
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