The Vialer PJSIP pod exposes the PJSIP library as Cocoapod.
The most important part of the project is the "vialerbuild" script. It will:
- download a specified version of PJSIP from SVN.
- compile PJSIP for all iOS architectures.
- Decide whether to compile OpenSSL, OpenH264 and OPUS into the PJSIP source. By default they are included for all iOS architectures.
- build a fat static library.
- wrap the fat library in a framework.
For MacOS a newer version of nasm is required when you want to build openh264.
brew install nasm
Install via CocoaPods:
platform :ios, '9.0'
pod 'Vialer-pjsip-iOS'
When using the pod as a dependency in another podspec, linting generates the following error:
The 'Pods' target has transitive dependencies that include static binaries: VialerPJSIP.framework
As a workaround you can use
pod spec lint --use-libraries
The library is a fat static library and cannot be included in an use_frameworks! enviroment at this moment. We're trying to find a solution for this and implement a way to create a dynamic library.