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CineReserve is a web application I initiated to practice my skills in modern JavaScript after completing courses, aiming to independently develop a moderately complex project. From conceptualization to implementation, I crafted this project from scratch, envisioning a user-friendly interface for reserving movie seats.

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CineReserve - Movie Seat Scheduler



CineReserve is a web application designed to manage movie theaters, allowing users to reserve seats for various movies. This project aims to provide a user-friendly interface for both administrators and regular users to interact with the system efficiently.


  • User Authentication: Supports user login and # functionalities.
  • Theater Management: Admins can add, edit, and delete theater information, including seating arrangements.
  • Movie Management: Admins can add, edit, and delete movie details associated with each theater.
  • Seat Reservation: Users can book seats for movies showing in the theaters.

Technologies Used

My Skills

  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Backend: Firebase Realtime Database for data storage
  • Authentication: Firebase Authentication for user authentication

Project Structure

  • src/
    • css/: Contains CSS files for styling.
      • login.css: Styles for the login/# page.
      • modal.css: Styles for modal components.
      • spinner.css: Styles for the spinner component.
      • style.css: General styles for the application.
      • theatre-display.css: Styles specific to the theater display page.
    • js/
      • controllers/: Contains JavaScript files for controlling different aspects of the application.
        • theaterController.js: Controls theater-related functionality.
        • userController.js: Controls user-related functionality.
      • models/: Contains JavaScript files defining data models used in the application.
        • theaterModel.js: Defines the theater data model.
        • userModel.js: Defines the user data model.
      • views/: Contains JavaScript files for rendering different views in the application.
        • modals/: Contains JavaScript files for modal components used in the application.
          • addMovieModal.js: Modal for adding a movie to a theater.
          • addTheaterModal.js: Modal for adding a new theater.
          • bookSeatsModal.js: Modal for booking seats in a theater.
          • changeMovieModal.js: Modal for changing the movie in a theater.
          • deleteTheaterModal.js: Modal for deleting a theater.
          • editTheaterModal.js: Modal for editing theater details.
          • errorModal.js: JavaScript file for handling error modals.
          • modal.js: Base modal class providing common functionality.
        • theaterView.js: JavaScript file for rendering theater-related views.
      • config.js: Configuration file for Firebase and API keys.
      • firebase.js: Contains Firebase initialization code.
      • helpers.js: Helper functions used throughout the application.
    • img/: Contains image assets used in the application.
  • data.json: JSON file containing sample data for the application.
  • index.html: Main HTML file for the application.
  • login.html: HTML file for the login/# page.

Application Architecture

The application follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, which separates the codebase into three main components:

  • Models: Represent the data and its logic. Located in js/models/, they define the structure and behavior of different data entities, such as theaters and users.

  • Views: Responsible for displaying the data to users and handling user input. Found in js/views/, views render the interface elements and interact with users.

  • Controllers: Act as intermediaries between models and views. Located in js/controllers/, controllers manage user actions, update data in models, and update views accordingly.

By using MVC, the codebase remains organized and modular, facilitating easier understanding, maintenance, and scalability. Each component has a specific responsibility, promoting code reusability and making it easier to add new features or make changes without affecting other parts of the application.

How to Run the Project

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Navigate to the project directory.
  3. Set up your Firebase database by creating a new Firebase project and filling in the FIREBASE_CONFIG object in the config.js file with your Firebase project configuration.
  4. Obtain an API key from OMDB API and add it to the API_KEY constant in the config.js file.
  5. When a user is created, add their user ID as the ADMIN_ID constant in the config.js file to grant them admin privileges.
  6. Import data.json into your Firebase Realtime Database to populate initial data if desired.
  7. Open index.html in a web browser to access the main application.

Getting Started

  • User Authentication:
    • New users can easily # for an account or log in with existing credentials.
  • Admin Actions:
    • Administrators gain access to theater management features after logging in.
  • User Actions:
    • Regular users have the ability to browse theaters, check movie schedules, and reserve seats for screenings.


CineReserve is a web application I initiated to practice my skills in modern JavaScript after completing courses, aiming to independently develop a moderately complex project. From conceptualization to implementation, I crafted this project from scratch, envisioning a user-friendly interface for reserving movie seats.




