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DHT22 Temperature/Humidity sensor
ACS712 Current sensor
MQ-2 smoke sensor
Three servers. Synology (or Raspberry#0): main Domoticz server, Raspberry#1: backup Domoticz server and Raspberry#2: dedicated Alarm server. Software:
- MQTT for the three servers. To install on Raspbian Jessie or Buster:
- wget http://repo.mosquitto.org/debian/mosquitto-repo.gpg.key - sudo apt-key add mosquitto-repo.gpg.key - cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ - sudo wget http://repo.mosquitto.org/debian/mosquitto-jessie.list or for Buster: sudo wget http://repo.mosquitto.org/debian/mosquitto-buster.list - sudo apt-get update - sudo apt-cache search mosquitto - sudo apt-get install mosquitto
- Node.js for the three servers (version greater than 6 for the two Raspberry#1 and #2) with packages mqtt (all), ssh2 (Raspberry#1), epoll and rpi-gpio (Raspberry#2):
Jessie: - sudo apt-get update - sudo apt-get dist-upgrade - curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_8.x | sudo -E bash - - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs Buster: - sudo apt update - sudo apt install nodejs - sudo apt install npm Jessie or Buster: - npm install mqtt - npm install ssh2 - npm install epoll - npm install rpi-gpio
- nginx for Raspberry#1 (and Raspberry#0 if main server is not Synology). To install latest nginx (1.10.3) and ssl version on Raspbian Jessie:
Jessie: - sudo apt-get update - sudo apt-get dist-upgrade - sudo bash -c 'cat << EOF >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nginx.list - deb http://httpredir.debian.org/debian/ jessie-backports main contrib non-free - EOF' - gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-key 8B48AD6246925553 - gpg -a --export 8B48AD6246925553 | sudo apt-key add - - gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-key 7638D0442B90D010 - gpg -a --export 7638D0442B90D010 | sudo apt-key add - - sudo apt-get update - sudo apt-get install -t jessie-backports nginx - sudo apt-get install -t jessie-backports openssl Buster: - sudo apt update - sudo apt upgrade - sudo apt install nginx - systemctl status nginx
Install motionEye in the dedicated Alarm server: https://github.com/ccrisan/motioneye/wiki/Install-On-Raspbian
Install Domoticz in the main server:
- Hardware:
- "Dummy (Does nothing, use for virtual switches only)" - "MQTT Client Gateway with LAN interface" with Remote address=localhost, port=1883 and Publish Topic=out
- Cameras: add all cameras
- Devices (Except Security Panel, all are Dummy Virtual sensors):
- "Security Panel" - One protected "Light/Switch, Switch, Motion Sensor" for Alarm status and one protected "Light/Switch, Switch, On/Off" for Home Intrusion Alert. Define On/Off actions and Notifications to send email/sms (arm/disarm confirmation messages and intrusion alert message). To send SMS, I use Web REST API of the french FREE Telco operator - One "Light/Switch, Switch, Media Player" for each (PTZ or non PTZ) camera and one additional "Light/Switch, Selector Switch, Selector" for each PTZ camera. For each "Light/Switch, Switch, Media Player" camera, define On/Off actions to activate/disactivate motionEye motion detection for this camera. For each "Light/Switch, Selector Switch, Selector", define the level names and actions according to the PTZ Camera setpoint commands - One "Temp+Hum" and one "Temperature" for each Temperature sensor and one "Temp+Hum" for Degrees.Day - One "Light/Switch, Switch, On/Off" for Electricity tariff - One "P1 Smart Meter, Energy" for each heater and one for overall heating index meter - One "Light/Switch, Selector Switch, Selector" for Heating main breaker. Define the levels OFF/HORSGEL/ECO/CONFORT - Two "Light/Switch, Selector Switch, Selector" for Heating Schedule/Start and Heating Schedule/Stop. Define the levels according to the heating zone names - One "General, Text" to display the heating zones status - One "Thermostat, SetPoint" - Two "General, Custom Sensor" for Thermal loss (°C/Degrees.Day unit) and Cooling rate (Wh/Degrees.Day unit) - One "Light/Switch, Switch, On/Off" for each lighting zone - Three protected "Light/Switch, Switch, Smoke Detector" for Failure status regarding Temperature sensors, Lighting server and Alarm server. Define On action and Notifications to send email/sms if failure
- User variables:
- Idx=1, "String" and name "HeatersActive" for Heaters status. Initial value: {"command" : "activateheaters", "28" : "On", "29" : "On", .... , "34" : "On"} where 28, 29 .... 34 are Heater IDX number - "Integer" and name "TWILIGHTimer0" for Lighting timer. Initial value: 0 - "Integer" and name "MezzaOverHeated" for one of the heating cost optimizer rules. Initial value: 0
- Blockly: enter the blocklys according to the GIF images given
- Scripts:
- Copy to the installation directory the nodejs and shell scripts. By default, this installation directory is "/volume1/@appstore/iot_domoticz" (Synology) and "/home/pi/iot_domoticz" (Raspberry) - Update the WiFi_DZ_MQTT_SecretKeys.js file according to the environment - Update myHeaters repository at line 133 of iot_Orchestrator.js file according to heating zones and heaters per heating zone used. Update also eventually lines 215 and 226 regarding Heating Schedule/Start and Heating Schedule/Stop actual names choosen - Update lines, with the [$$DOMOTICZ_PARAMETER] tag, of iot_ESP8266.js file according to the environment - Update Heaters repository and various parameters from line 74 to line 133 of iot_ACS712.js file - Update also House thermal characteristics from line 40 to line 44 of iot_ACS712.js file - Add tasks to Synology DSM task scheduler or Edit Crontab (Raspberry) to run all the shell scripts at boot
- Security setup: Local Networks (no username/password) set to accept connections without authentication from the Backup server and from "localhost;127.0.0.*"
Backup the Domoticz database in the main server
Install Domoticz in the backup server:
- Devices: import the main Domoticz database to setup again the devices - Blockly: importing at previous step the main Domoticz database also import the blocklys. Delete the HeatingOptimizer one - Scripts: copy again all the (modified) scripts and edit again Crontab
Install the Cluster feature :
- Copy the cluster scripts (nodejs and shell) to the backup server - Update myIDXtoSync repository at line 118 of mqtt_Cluster.js file according to the devices to synchronize - Edit Crontab to run the shell script at boot - Create a DUMMY reverse proxy rule in DSM (use unreachable IP address/Port in your environment). Note the directory name created by DSM to store the ssl certificate. Update the main nginx configuration file with this ssl directory name - Update again main server nginx config file and also backup server nginx config file to enter the correct path to Domoticz and motionEye - Copy the nginx configuration files to main and backup server - Test that your config files are ok with sudo nginx -t - Ask nginx to use your config files with sudo nginx -s reload
Install the Alarm scripts (nodejs and shell) in the dedicated Alarm server
Setup all the ESP8266:
- Using Arduino IDE (Files/Preferences/Additional Board Manager set to http://arduino.esp8266.com/versions/2.3.0/package_esp8266com_index.json) - Update WiFi_OTA_MQTT_SecretKeys.h according to the environment - Update PubSubClient.h file in the corresponding Arduino library directory - Update heaters repository from lines 130 to 166 of iot_ESP8266_AC712.ino file - Update lighting repository and various parameters from lines 36 to 74 of iot_ESP8266_GM43.ino file - Update temperature sensors repository and various parameters from lines 57 to 62 of iot_ESP8266_DHT22.ino file - Compile the sketches and flash the ESP8266 - Deploy all the ESP8266 connecting them to the home devices (heaters, hot water tank, lighting relays)
Time to use Domoticz...Enter in the main and backup Domoticz instances the heating zone schedules. To start or stop a heating zone at a given hour, you have to enter in Timers of Heating Schedule/Start or Heating Schedule/Stop devices the command ON on Time for the level corresponding to the heating zone. In the backup server, I've entered schedules to send every hour a start to all heating zones.