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Soroban server in go

Reproducible build

binary & sha256sum of soroban will be written in bin directory

make soroban


  -directoryHostname string
        Directory host
  -directoryPort int
        Directory host
  -directoryType string
        Directory Type (default, redis, memory)
  -domain string
        Directory Domain
  -export string
        Export hidden service secret key from seed to file
  -hostname string
        server address (default localhost) (default "localhost")
  -log string
        Log level (default info) (default "info")
  -p2pBootstrap string
        P2P bootstrap
  -p2pListenPort int
        P2P Listen Port (default 1042)
  -p2pRoom string
        P2P Room (default "samourai")
  -p2pSeed string
        P2P Onion private key seed (default "auto")
  -port int
        Server port (default 4242) (default 4242)
  -prefix string
        Generate Onion with prefix
  -seed string
        Onion private key seed
        Hidden service enabled (default false)

Confidential keys

Configuration file can be use to list confidential keys. Key prefix is used to find confidential key. First matching rule is applied. see soroban.yml

Confidential keys can be:

  • Confidential: Every body can add a key. Read must be signed by private key.
  • Readonly: Add or delete must be signed by private key. Can be read by everybody.

Supported signature scheme :

  • nacl
  • ecdsa

Docker Install

Dependencies: docker & docker-compose

Using the provided script

Note: modify seed in docker-compose.yml server command to change hidden service address.

Build docker images

bash build

Start server services

bash server_start

Stop server services

bash server_stop

Server services status

bash server_status

Start the clients

Note: modify url in docker-compose.yml (clients/python & clients/java) regarding hidden service onion address.

bash clients_start

Stop the clients

bash clients_stop

Logs the clients

bash clients_python_logs
bash clients_java_logs


Api entpoint for service status can be reached on /status

Query string filters can be use to filter additional information.

  • default (cpu,clients,keyspace)
  • cpu
  • clients
  • keyspace
  • memory
  • stats


curl -s --socks5-hostname -X GET -o - http://sorzvujomsfbibm7yo3k52f3t2bl6roliijnm7qql43bcoe2kxwhbcyd.onion/status?filters=cpu,clients,keyspace


curl -s --socks5-hostname -X GET -o - http://sorzvujomsfbibm7yo3k52f3t2bl6roliijnm7qql43bcoe2kxwhbcyd.onion/status?filters=*


Generate onion address with prefix

go run cmd/server/main.go -prefix sor


Address: sorlnhjsp6xhb4zbqdkcr6igglar4hys3u45sofcft3ttdzqujlnutad.onion
Private Key: WAzaLtgzk5Ucd/YDkjk0PN3DiPaO0RBwVKnMOHipX3X1S7yspIRBHKweopl8wjv/EXXReFiOun5eCrZ8hUxcKg==
Seed:  169fc9f1925eec11b6a728044c9f4e6dd1a676a4f4e6f640c4100015644914e8

Start soroban server with specified hostname and port

go run cmd/server/main.go --hostname= --port=4242

Start soroban server with generated seed

go run cmd/server/main.go --withTor=true -seed 5baa80270886506c6b080de4e9558e2c32c50d3a7633f87d8396f5d5767e988d

Export hidden service secret key

go run cmd/server/main.go -seed 5baa80270886506c6b080de4e9558e2c32c50d3a7633f87d8396f5d5767e988d -export hs_ed25519_secret_key

Peer-to-Peer network

Soroban can be connect in peer-to-peer. This feature need to enable withTor option.

Peer descovery is done using a p2pBootstrap onion address to perform peer discovery.

go run cmd/server/main.go --p2pBootstrap /onion3/b6jza7z6dil564arui6gev4fmzzrppng62ixjyh66xn7fl227igs56id:1042/p2p/16Uiu2HAmKrVASuXgi7NsJZuVYu2Xqx82NkGewcfEuHKZuHq7adjB --withTor=true --seed c2d0b9870b89b10a47aa7e33fd3b51dc86eaa160d764e3b16ad3924356cc84d9

An optional p2pSeed can be used (see prefix) to get an well known onion address (auto generate a new address on startup).

When using several soroban on the same server, optional p2pListenPort can be use.

An optional p2pRoom can be use to segregate cluster on the peer-to-peer network and to not interact with other peers an another cluster.


AGPL 3.0