An E-commerce website in which user can purschase products category-wise and seller can add products to sell. it is built using Angular 8 as Frontend and .Net as Backend
The working of the app will be as follows:
- The site has 2 Pannels, Pannel 1 is from a normal user, Pannel 2 is for sellers.
- log in using forms authentication for both pannel 1 and pannel 2.
- # using email verification for both pannel 1 and pannel 2 i.e. a mail will be sent which will contain the activation link.
- Normal user can sort Products according to categories, sub-categories, and process
- User can add and delete to cart
- User can Order Products
- User can edit his/her Profile
- Sellers can add/delete their Products for selling
- Sellers will be having full details of sold Products
- Seller can edit his/her Profile
- Angular 8
- Bootstrap
- ASP.NET (MVC) version - 4.5
- Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio for managing databases.