- FrontEnd Developer
- 📫 How to reach me: https://t.me/SpaceOrange
- 👨🏻💻 My leetcode: https://leetcode.com/ArtemKrylov/
## My resume: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Aj4s_fyWCS5im247E8A323_Et_wB1T6u/view?usp=sharing

⚡React, class and functional components, hooks, React Routing (react-router-dom) ⚡Redux, Redux Toolkit, redux async thunk, redux-persist ⚡RTK Query ⚡Chakra UI/ Material UI ⚡Typescript ⚡JS, DOM, async JS (Promise, async/await), Fetch API, REST API and CRUD ⚡Jest, React Testing Library ⚡SCSS, sprites, mixins, variables ⚡CSS, responsive layout, adaptive pictures, icons ⚡semantic HTML5, BEM methodology ⚡Firebase authorization, Firestore ⚡Parcel, Webpack ⚡Figma ⚡Visual Studio Code, Terminal, npm ⚡GIT, GitHub