Simple GUI Qt application that take backup from your messages and medias using libqtelegram
Key | Type | Description |
avgContiniusMessages | real | Average of messages sent continiusly |
avgDelay | real | Average Delay between two messages per seconds |
avgDelayPerSession | real | Average Delay between two sessions per seconds |
avgEmojiPerMessage | real | Average Emoji count per messages |
avgLongDelay | real | Average Long Delay (Delays longer than 1h) per seconds |
avgLongDelayPerSession | real | Average Long Session Delay (Longer than 1h) per seconds |
avgPerMessageCharCount | real | Average characters per message |
avgRoundDuration | real | Average duration of rounded videos per seconds |
avgSmallDelay | real | Average Small Delay (Delays smaller than 1h) per seconds |
avgSmallDelayPerSession | real | Average Small Session Delay (Smaller than 1h) per seconds |
avgVoiceDuration | real | Average duration of voice messages per seconds |
charCount | int | Count of characters |
count | int | Count of all messages |
delay | int | Sum of all delays per seconds |
delayPerSession | int | Sum of all delays between two sessions per seconds |
emojiMessagesCount | int | Count of Messages, Contains emojis |
emojisCount | int | Count of all emojis |
imageCount | int | Count of images |
longDelay | int | Sum of Long Delays (Delays longer than 1h) per seconds |
longDelayPerSession | int | Sum of Long Session Delays (Longer than 1h) per seconds |
maxDelay | int | Maximum delay between two messages per seconds |
maxDelayPerSession | int | Maximum delay between two sessions per seconds |
messageSessionsCount | int | Count of Sessions (A session is messages sent coninusly) |
minDelay | int | Minimum delay between two messages per seconds |
minDelayPerSession | int | Minimum delay between two sessions per seconds |
percentContaintsEmoji | real | Percent of messages contains emoji |
percentRound | real | Percent of messages is rounded video |
percentVoice | real | Percent of messages is Voice Message |
roundCount | int | Count of all rounded videos |
roundDuration | int | Duration of all rounded videos per seconds |
smallDelay | int | Sum of Small Delays (Delays smaller than 1h) per seconds |
smallDelayPerSession | int | Sum of Small Session Delays (Smaller than 1h) per seconds |
stickerPerChar | map | Map of sticker emojis |
stickers | int | Count of stickers |
usedEmojis | map | Map of emojis |
voiceCount | int | Count of all voice messages |
voiceDuration | int | Duration of all voice messages per seconds |