PC Pos Protocols using C++
It's just part of the protocole. You must write your own connection part (using tcp or serial port).
When your app connected to the pos, You can generate binary strings using below codes:
#include "sadadpacket.h"
SadadPacket pkt;
pkt.setPrice(100000); // Rials
std::vector<int> data = pkt.data(); // It's a vector of int to send to the device
And to decode Strings readed from device:
#include "sadadpacket.h"
std::vector<int> data;
// Fill data using string readed from pc-pos
SadadPacket pkt;
SadadPacket::fromData(pkt, data);
std::cout << pkt.card_number() << "\n"
<< pkt.responce_code() << "\n";