Simple search and replace while preserving the original case
This plugin provides the lua function keep_case
which takes two arguments: an
original word (the word to be replaced) and a new word (the word the original
word is replaced with). keep_case
returns the new word with the case of the
original word.
You can use the keep_case
function together with the subsitute command to
perform a case-preserving search and replace as follows:
:%s/old-word/\=luaeval('keep_case(_A[1], _A[2])', [submatch(0), 'new-word'])/g
For convenience, the plugin provides the user command :Replace
that does the
above operation for you. The provided range, flags, and count arguments are all
forwarded to the built-in substitute command.
Install using your favorite package manager, or use the built-in package support
mkdir -p $HOME/.config/nvim/pack/vendor/start
cd $HOME/.config/nvim/pack/vendor/start
git clone
This plugin is heavily inspiered by