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OpenRepairPlatform is a web application based on Django designed to organizing collaborative and non-profits repair structures - Still in development

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Ce projet cherche à faciliter l’accessibilité de la réparation par le plus grand nombre. Par une interface simple et claire, l'application web invite participants et organisations à collaborer autours de l’auto-réparation et de la réparation participative.

OpenRepairPlateform est une application basée sur Django, pensée pour organiser les structures de réparations participatives. Elle intègre principalement des fonctionnalités de gestion d'organisation, de membres, de comptabilité, la publication d'événements, d'inventaire et de suivi/partage de réparations.

Cette application est développée et notamment utilisée par l'Atelier Soudé.

----- ENG -----

This application is still in developpment. Any contributes are welcome. Please contact us if you want to contribute and we tell you how to.

OpenRepairPlatform is a Django based application designed to organize collaborative repair structures, features provides organization managment, event publishing, community members managment, repair tracking and sharing.

The plateform is created by Atelier Soudé, an organization which repair everyday's people electric and electronic objects in Lyon, France.

Full installation and user documentation are avalaible here. (sorry, only in French at this point !)

For basic develop installation, follow those steps:

Run the application in production mode

1 - set up the environment

git clone
cd OpenRepairPlatform
touch .env

2 - Populate the envfile with the following content. Make sure to change the vars.

#default content of the configuration .env file
# Activate the location search on home page

#DJANGO settings for configuration dev or production

# To activate the debug mode, set the environment variable to True
PREPROD=True # !!! to keep robots from indexing preprod pages. Change to False on Production server

#Emailing settings only used in production mode

#Let's encrypt and nginx settings
#The principal domain that django will use
#Some autorised hosts and vars are added for docker implementation
DOMAINS=localhost [::1]

# POSTGRES settings

3 - launch the application in production mode

This script will stop all previous openrepairplatform services and start the application. 1 - obtaining the certificate for the domain by using certbot/nginx 2 - building the application 3 - starting the application 4 - running all the migrations 5 - starting the application

sh ./

Run the application (in Develop mode only)

1.Set django, postgres and nginx/domain variables in openrepairplatform/.env

#default content of the configuration .env file
# Activate the location search on home page

#DJANGO settings for configuration dev or production

# To activate the debug mode, set the environment variable to True
PREPROD=False # !!! to keep robots from indexing preprod pages. Change to False on Production server

#Emailing settings only used in production mode

#Let's encrypt and nginx settings
#The principal domain that django will use
#Some autorised hosts and vars are added for docker implementation
DOMAINS=localhost [::1]

# POSTGRES settings
# For PG admin loggin

2.Add the DOMAINDNS value to your host configuration

3.Run the following command:

cd [git checkout directory]/
docker-compose up

The website is now deployed and accessible on http://[DOMAINDNS]

Then in the docker terminal, run the following command for livereload.

By default the dev app will start with a livereload server, the auto watch for django files, and the automatic compilation of vue.js files.

3 - Create an organization within the http://localhost:8000/admin path and you can start everythings else (further documentation will come).

Build the application from a branch to a docker image

build dev app from github branch

You can directly build an image by running the following command. This command will build the image from the selected branch localy. That way you will not have to clone the project localy and just use the image builded from github.

# Replace the BRANCHNAME with the branch name you want to build
docker build --file /django/Dockerfile\#BRANCHNAME:deployment

build from local repository

1 - First you have to clone the project inyour directory using the following commands depending on your configuration.

 git clone

 #OR if you have a ssh key on

 git clone

2 - You can now build your image using the following command

# enter your cloned directory
cd OpenRepairPlatform

# Build the image
# The -t option allows you to specify the name of the container it has to match the name in your docker-compose file for production
 docker build --file deployment/django/Dockerfile -t openrepairplateform-prod .

Acces to Database administration

The dev env provide a postgresqlAdmin interface which allows you to connect to the database.

You can access it from the following url : http://localhost:5050/

With the identity in the .env file

Dump the database & restore on local environment

After being connected to your server, you can dump the database with the following command

# This guide shows you how to use gzip when pulling down a production database to your local environment
# A production database dump can be very large, like 1.5GB
# But database dumps contains a lot of empty space
# Gzipping the database can take the size from 1.5GB down to as low as 50MB
# But you are left zipping and unzipping all the time
# Follow these steps to avoid ever creating a large .sql file in the first place
# exporting and importing directly with the gzipped version
# For this example, the production server is named "production"

# On the production server:
# Navigate to your home directory. 
# If this next command fails, it is because you don't have permission to switch to the postgres user
# If so, you will need to login as root before you can run this next command
docker exec -ti postgres pg_dump -U ateliersoude ateliersoude | gzip -9 > dump_reparons.sql.gz

# Log out of the production server and go back to your local machine
# Use scp to download (-C uses compression for faster downloads)
scp -C user@IP:./deployement/saves-bdd/dump_reparons.sql.gz ./deployment/saves-bdd/

# If you already have a local database, the .sql file might complain if you try to import it.
# This can be due to duplicate keys, or if the SQL import attempts to create the table that already exists, etc.
# Only delete the database i f you are sure, but I do this all the time
# On OSX, run these commands
docker exec -t postgres dropdb -U openrepairplatform openrepairplatform  
docker exec -t postgres createdb -U openrepairplatform openrepairplatform

# Now re-import the database directly from the gzipped file:
#loggin into the container
docker exec -ti postgres /bin/bash
#in container run
gunzip < /srv/saves-bdd/dump_reparons.sql.gz | psql -U openrepairplatform openrepairplatform

Debug with Visual Studio Code

If you open the main folder with vs code, you will be able to use the configuration present in .vscode.

This will allow you to connect to the container in debug mode and to stop at breakpoints in the code, which is quite confortable to inspect the variables and test new code in the required state of the program (typically before a failure). Before starting, you may have to install the Python extension.

For this, just click on Debug, and Start Debugging: you will run the Debug Django app configuration. A small additional bar will appear with useful commands for the debug: go to next breakpoint, stop debugging, etc More information on debugging with vs code:

Create a breakpoint in the code, for example in a view, and go to the corresponding page from your browser. The browser will freeze and vs code will stop at the breakpoint.

In the lower part of vs code, in the DEBUG CONSOLE, you can test code.

In the debug section, in the left vertical bar, you can see all the breakpoints, all the variables and their content, and the call stack. You can click on any step of the call stack, and browser the variables, test some code, etc, at this step.

Run unit tests

First, start the containers with docker-compose up Then, run the tests with docker exec openrepairplatform pytest --disable-pytest-warnings --cov=openrepairplatform --cov-report term-missing

Run integration tests

Integration tests are run using a Docker image containing a chrome Selenium installation and a VNC server. It is possible to debug the tests using a local VNC client that connects to the VNC server in the Docker container, that allows to graphically see what the selenium test is doing on the site.

To install the VNC client on your local computer:

sudo apt-get install krdc

To launch it:


Start KRDC, and connect to localhost:5900

To see the running chrome sessions: http://localhost:4444/wd/hub/static/resource/hub.html

To launch the tests :

First, start the Docker containers with docker-compose up, and then:

docker exec openrepairplatform_selenium_1 python3 -m pytest /tests/ -v

If you uncomment the following lines, it will wait for a debugger to connect before running the tests



OpenRepairPlatform is a web application based on Django designed to organizing collaborative and non-profits repair structures - Still in development







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