We created this for the Supernova Hackathon, read about our submission here
Want to contribute? Please check out the issues, or submit a pull request.
For Internet Computer support you will need to install dfx and run "dfx deploy" after installing node_modules but before running npm run dev. You can get more information on setting dfx up here
You will also need to download Psychedelic Dab.js Package.
sh -ci "$(curl -fsSL https://smartcontracts.org/install.sh)"
npm install
dfx deploy
npm run dev
To pull and install from @Psychedelic via the NPM CLI, you'll need:
A Github personal access token you can create a personal acess token here The personal access token with the correct scopes, repo and read:packages to be granted access to the GitHub Package Registry. Authentication via npm login, using your Github email for the username and the personal access token as your password:
Once you have those ready, run:
npm login --registry=https://npm.pkg.github.com --scope=@psychedelic
Note: You only need to configure this once to install the package!
On npm login provide your Github email as your username and the Personal access token as the password. You can also setup your npm global settings to fetch from the Github registry everytime it finds a @Psychdelic package, find the instructions here.
First, you need to install the DAB-js npm package into your project.
You can do so from the command line:
npm install @psychedelic/dab-js@latest
Find more details about installing dab jshere