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Getting Started

p0nce edited this page Dec 7, 2024 · 68 revisions

In this tutorial, we'll see:

  • How to install a D environment,
  • How to build a D program,
  • How to build the dplug-build tool and its purpose,
  • How to build the Dplug examples. We'll build a CLAP, VST3, and Audio Unit.

The basics

💠 Step 1: Install a D language environment

Install the LDC language compiler. LDC is the recommended compiler for Dplug use.

Specific instructions for Windows.
Installing D on Windows can be painful if you want to have everything: VisualD, LDC, debuggers, and support for all architectures.
Therefore, it is highly recommended to refer to the Installing Dlang on Windows article.

For other OSes:

At the end of this process, you should have the dub and ldc2 commands working.

dub  --version   # the DUB D language package manager
ldc2 --version   # the LDC compiler

A large majority of D programs can be built simply using:


That's it! Welcome to the D programming language.

Specific instructions for macOS Big Sur and M1
If you are running on Apple Silicon, be sure to use the Universal LDC package (for LDC version >= 1.30).
If the "Universal" build is not available, use the x86_64 LDC package instead. (for LDC version < 1.30).
Those builds are cross-compilers, able to target both x86_64 and arm64, with flags -a x86_64 and -a arm64-apple-macos respectively. Make sure you are using the dub executable from those builds.
Since macOS 10.15 Sequoia: Running a D compiler got harder. First try to run ldc2 and dub binary, then unblock them from System Settings > Privacy and Security and click "run anyway".

Specific instruction for Linux
Install the X11 development libraries.

  • Redhat, Fedora => sudo yum install libX11-dev
  • Ubuntu => sudo apt-get install libX11-dev AskUbuntu

💠 Step 2: Clone the Dplug repository

First, make a local copy of the Dplug repository:

git clone Dplug
cd Dplug

💠 Step 3: Build the dplug-build tool

Build the dplug-build tool, which is necessary to bundle plug-ins into the correct structure.

cd Dplug/tools/dplug-build

From there you can simply build it using:


Once dplug-build is built, you can examinate the available possibilities with:

dplug-build --help

Put it in your PATH.

It is recommended to put dplug-build in your PATH.

  • On Windows, copy dplug-build.exe to a directory that is in your PATH environment variable.
  • On macOS, you can use the following command:
    sudo ln -s /my/path/to/Dplug/tools/dplug-build/dplug-build /usr/local/bin/dplug-build

Why another build tool?

  • dplug-build give your plug-ins the required file structure.
  • dplug-build can build plug-ins in different DUB configurations and architectures in a single command-line run, then make an installer.
  • dplug-build manages code signing and notarization, necessary for wide software distribution.
  • dplug-build will fake the VST2_SDK envvarif you don't have a VST2 SDK, to build other formats without errors.

Specific instructions for macOS Big Sur and superior
dplug-build should be built as a x86_64 executable (dub -a x86_64)

💠 Step 4: Examine and build an example plug-in

Go to the ClipIt or the Distort example directory from the fictional company Witty Audio.

# a simple plug-in that does absolutely nothing
cd Dplug/examples/template

# a clipper distortion using the `dplug:flat-widgets` set of widgets
cd Dplug/examples/clipit

# a tanh distortion using the `dplug:pbr-widgets` set of widgets
cd Dplug/examples/distort    

Inside the folder, you'll find several directories and files. Below is a breakdown of important items and what they are used for.


  • main.d (audio processing, parameters, I/O)
  • gui.d (UI code)
  • dub.json (configuration file for dub, also read by dplug-build)
  • plugin.json (contains pluginInfo that is used by both dplug-build and Dplug during compile-time)
  • gfx (images used by the gui)
  • fonts (font used by the gui)

Build the example with the dplug-build command-line:

dplug-build -c CLAP                 # build a CLAP plug-in
dplug-build -c VST3                 # build a VST3 plug-in
dplug-build -c AU                   # build an AU plug-in (macOS only)
dplug-build -a x86_64               # Specify the x86_64 architecture
dplug-build --final                 # build an optimized plug-in
dplug-build -c CLAP -c VST3         # build several formats at once
dplug-build --help                  # get help for dplug-build

See the --help output of dplug-build for an explanation for each flag.

💠 Step 5: Make your own plug-in 🚀

  • Copy one fo the example in your repositery.
  • Open dub.json:
    • Change "name" to any name
    • Change dependencies specifications from "path"-based to "~>MAJOR.0" like in the Template example. That way your plug-in can be located anywhere.
    • Adjust the "configurations" to support the formats you really want.
  • Open plugin.json:
    • Change the vendor name, the unique ID, etc.
  • Type dplug-build to build with the first configuration.

Going further

💡Inline documentation

💡Individual guides for all formats

Making plug-ins is inextricably tied with the legal requirements of signing SDK licences and agreements. Do not skip that step. We warmly recommend that you comply with your local laws.

💡Building VST 2.4 plug-ins

In order to build VST2 plug-ins with Dplug, you need to setup the VST2 SDK on your machine.

However this VST2 SDK is generally not available anymore and we cannot do anything about it.

If you happen to have one, point a VST2_SDK environment variable to the matching VST2_SDK directory in the SDK.

Example: export VST2_SDK=/Users/MyName/vstsdk3610_11_06_2018_build_37/VST_SDK/VST2_SDK

If you were to distribute VST2 plug-ins, be aware that you need an agreement with Steinberg.

💡Building without dplug-build

You can build just the plug-in binary with a dub command, without using dplug-build.

dub -c VST    # choose the "VST" configuration with -c or --config

It can be useful if your DAW supports plug-ins in a single file.


Be sure to check our new page: for any question you may have.

⚠️ "I get a link error in Windows, using LDC"

Most probably the right MSVC runtime, or Windows SDK, is missing. Reinstall Dlang following those steps.

⚠️ "I get no completion in VSCode"

Look at code-d's debug log.

⚠️ "What can I put in plugin.json?"

  • It is possible to start a project without a plugin.json and work from there using dplug-build errors.
  • Most people copy/paste from an example and work from there.

See plugin.json schema here for all allowed keys.

⚠️ "I have another question"


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