Aurum Development is a software development team dedicated to effortless, remote, computer management & hosting solutions.
A modern replacement for Pterodactyl. The Aurum Panel & Aurum Node suite aims to be more than just a container manager. Instead, they will be the perfect combo for the average home-lab enjoyer and high-demand enterprise enthusiast alike.
The Panel will allow for an easy-to-use interface with deep features and complex-when-needed interfaces that will allow you full control of your servers and other utilities and services hosted via Aurum.
The Node is what will live on your servers. It will feature a full API used by the Panel and many custom-built software pieces to better manage your servers.
Unlike the Aurum suite, the Boron Dashboard is simply an interface for your customers, support staff, and lower admins to use when interacting with the Pterodactyl panel.
It is best suited for usage by hosting services and tight-knit friend groups that pool together resources.