The docs website is built using Fornax, to contribute to the docs you can add a new (or update an existing) markdown file in the guides, posts, controls directories.
Guides are a general way to explain how to achieve a result or to take a user through an explanation of an existing concept inside Avalonia.FuncUI.
Guides follow the following format
layout: guide
title: Some Title
author: Some Author
list-order: 1
guide-category: category
tags: my, list, of, optional, tags
[A internal website link]: <relativeurl>/<guide>.html
[An external url]:
[Basic Template]: guides/Basic-Template.html
You can checkout [Basic Template]
Possible values are
- layout -> guide (always use guide)
- title -> any string that describes the title
- list-order -> an integer used to determine the order of appearance in the left menu on the website, this is an ascending integer
- guide-category -> a GuideCategory UC, you can use the following strings
- beginner
- intermediate
- advanced
- uncategorized
- author (optional) -> any string that denominates the author of the guide
- tags (optional) -> comma separated strings
Please put Links on the top of the document, also use relative URL's when linking documents that exist inside the Avalonia.FuncUI Website.
See the [Basic Template]: guides/Basic-Template.html
example, you can refer to other documents in the guides directory
Posts follow a similar structure of guides
layout: post
title: Some Title
author: Some Author
published: 2020-02-20
tags: my, list, of, optional, tags
[A internal website link]: <relativeurl>/<guide>.html
[An external url]:
[Basic Template]: guides/Basic-Template.html
You can checkout [Basic Template]
- layout -> post (always use post)
- title -> any string that describes the title
- published (optional) -> a string in the following format YYYY-MM-DD
- author (optional) -> any string that denominates the author of the guide
- tags (optional) -> comma separated strings
In the same way you have to put Links at the top and use relative URLs when linking content inside the Avalonia.FuncUI Website
Fornax offers a watch command that allows you to preview the website as you develop it's contents
- restore dotnet tools
- change directory into the docs sources
- fornax watch
- open your browser on localhost:8080 (for further information visit the Fornax repository)
If you want to live reload your changes (instead of an F5 on each change) you can select set to false the
siteContent.Add({ disableLiveRefresh = true })
setting insideloaders/guideloader.fsx
dotnet tool restore
cd src
dotnet fornax watch
- restore dotnet tools
- run fake build
- Docs have been put into
dotnet tool restore
dotnet fake run build
If you make a PR and it is merged into master, GitHub Actions will automatically deploy the changes to the website.
To prevent the Fornax engine from auto-processing files we use the .markdown
file extension for files that we want to load individually on certain pages (like index.
markdown inside the index.fsx