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Simple Hartree-Fock Code in CPP

Self Development Goals

  • Use CMake to build/manage the CPP project
  • Read in integrals and basis set from files generated by psi4 scripts (./psi4/
  • Use Eigen3 for matrix operations
  • Parallelize sections with OpenMP


  1. Clone the repository git clone
  2. Create a conda environment with psi4: conda env create -f env.yml
  3. Activate the environment: conda activate p4
  4. Build the project and run water example:
cd ./cpp/
bash ./
  1. The output should be similar to:
Ensure you have activated a conda environment that has psi4 installed

echo 'Ensure you have activated a conda environment that has psi4 installed'
export numThreads=20
rm -r build
mkdir -p build
cp src/hf ..
cp compile_commands.json ..
cd ..
cd ../psi4/
python3 ./
cd ../cpp/
./hf ./data/t1 $numThreads

-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 13.3.0
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /home/amwalla3/miniconda3/envs/p4dev311/bin/x86_64-conda-linux-gnu-c++ - skipped
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Found OpenMP_CXX: -fopenmp (found version "4.5")
-- Found OpenMP: TRUE (found version "4.5")
-- Found OpenMP_CXX: -fopenmp (found version "4.5")
-- Configuring done (0.4s)
-- Generating done (0.0s)
-- Build files have been written to: /home/amwalla3/gits/hf/cpp/build
[ 25%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/hf.dir/hf.cpp.o
[ 50%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/hf.dir/input.cpp.o
[ 75%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/hf.dir/helper.cpp.o
[100%] Linking CXX executable hf
[100%] Built target hf

  Memory set to  55.879 GiB by Python driver.
  Threads set to 20 by Python driver.
nbf = 7
enuc = 8.907707454380846
Target Energy (HF/STO-3G): -74.96599007011574

Running: ./hf

Data Path: ./data/t1
Num Threads: 20
n_basis: 7
         1  0.2367039          0         -0          0  0.0500137  0.0500137
 0.2367039          1         -0          0          0  0.4539953  0.4539953
         0         -0          1         -0          0  0.2455507  0.2455507
        -0          0         -0          1          0         -0          0
         0          0          0          0          1  0.2927386 -0.2927386
 0.0500137  0.4539953  0.2455507         -0  0.2927386          1   0.251002
 0.0500137  0.4539953  0.2455507          0 -0.2927386   0.251002          1
Number of Electrons: 10

H Matrix: 

-32.6850823  -7.6043227  -0.0186797           0           0  -1.6196032  -1.6196032
 -7.6043227  -9.3020627  -0.2221597           0           0  -3.5432102  -3.5432102
 -0.0186797  -0.2221597  -7.5266557           0           0  -1.6587891  -1.6587891
          0           0           0  -7.4308356           0           0           0
          0           0           0           0  -7.5670222   -1.890856    1.890856
 -1.6196032  -3.5432102  -1.6587891           0   -1.890856  -4.9564898  -1.5602633
 -1.6196032  -3.5432102  -1.6587891           0    1.890856  -1.5602633  -4.9564898

S Matrix: 

         1  0.2367039          0         -0          0  0.0500137  0.0500137
 0.2367039          1         -0          0          0  0.4539953  0.4539953
         0         -0          1         -0          0  0.2455507  0.2455507
        -0          0         -0          1          0         -0          0
         0          0          0          0          1  0.2927386 -0.2927386
 0.0500137  0.4539953  0.2455507         -0  0.2927386          1   0.251002
 0.0500137  0.4539953  0.2455507          0 -0.2927386   0.251002          1

S_12 Matrix: 

     1.02406182683964    -0.141659275751281   -0.0100025708715733                     0                     0    0.0212115742810543    0.0212115742810543
   -0.141659275751281      1.22191755142436     0.105911550388264  7.28188431604302e-18 -3.31314167753195e-33    -0.275657585702812    -0.275657585702812
  -0.0100025708715732     0.105911550388263      1.05609002557191  1.54935498778055e-16 -3.14571479325093e-32    -0.146486294818408    -0.146486294818408
                    0  7.28188431604302e-18  1.54935498778055e-16                     1 -1.72421439527728e-16  1.62170846338131e-17 -5.06806499560391e-17
                    0 -3.31314167753195e-33 -3.14571479325093e-32 -1.72421439527728e-16      1.09816105780337    -0.213037564188841     0.213037564188841
   0.0212115742810542    -0.275657585702812    -0.146486294818408   1.6217084633813e-17    -0.213037564188841      1.19047900276946   -0.0903462294425033
   0.0212115742810542    -0.275657585702812    -0.146486294818408  -5.0680649956039e-17     0.213037564188841   -0.0903462294425033      1.19047900276946

F Matrix: 

     -32.360907183015     -2.78101329627198    0.0165513937231451 -1.46118930302141e-18                     0    -0.273188055667783    -0.273188055667783
    -2.78101329627198     -8.32925608489884     -0.28118835929629 -5.29998398414068e-17                     0     -0.48114879657511     -0.48114879657511
   0.0165513937231453     -0.28118835929629     -7.57828717474523  -2.2720966150029e-15                     0    -0.146807942490089    -0.146807942490089
-1.46118930302138e-18 -5.29998398414068e-17  -2.2720966150029e-15            -7.4308356  2.48460519143785e-15 -1.29884559669202e-16  3.25076462517994e-16
                    0                     0                     0  2.48460519143785e-15     -7.66432456723451    -0.134211986464029     0.134211986464029
   -0.273188055667784    -0.481148796575109    -0.146807942490089 -1.29884559669202e-16     -0.13421198646403     -4.24477064062471   -0.0501425953125875
   -0.273188055667784     -0.48114879657511    -0.146807942490089  3.25076462517994e-16      0.13421198646403   -0.0501425953125875     -4.24477064062471

C_0_prime Matrix: 

   -0.993360946348067    -0.104696772634488 -2.58762946764875e-18   -0.0476198621039882 -5.68525975487525e-16   3.2559812234295e-17  -0.00222818392236167
   -0.113882894666717     0.887057679149727  2.70105107942151e-17     0.417863124698418  4.92930378860273e-15 -6.00527148166332e-16     0.159842951615343
-0.000754960463475131     0.418666446527627  6.10223316946773e-17      -0.9069256733106 -6.97928802499565e-15  3.72981413249938e-16    0.0469431536727517
-2.78884706667882e-19  1.61447542100403e-15  -1.7928860653261e-15  8.39213884216595e-15                    -1  9.71445146547012e-17  6.28979340361016e-17
 6.51443850817542e-20 -4.52211016762074e-17     0.998515964153206  1.44315407662622e-17  -1.8847770566488e-15   -0.0544597955485753 -1.68041118669839e-16
  -0.0114923149865523     0.115943232259054    0.0385088907344304    0.0174439221591125  3.05311331771918e-16     0.706057409375757    -0.697223639278874
  -0.0114923149865523     0.115943232259054   -0.0385088907344305    0.0174439221591117  4.57966997657877e-16    -0.706057409375754    -0.697223639278878

C Matrix: 

    -1.00161044568986    -0.232144980462296 -7.80625564189563e-18   -0.0981482561642066 -1.19448619563009e-15  1.87350135405495e-16   -0.0549730091095336
  0.00781921299249121      1.07916296574477  5.03069808033274e-17     0.411669078256667  5.14686723237015e-15 -1.63757896132211e-15     0.584992343353627
 0.000444276397399207      0.50317816018453  7.28583859910259e-17    -0.918172896134312 -7.10974485401501e-15 -1.66533453693773e-16     0.270795113910036
 -8.2907079893062e-19  1.68180534996102e-15 -1.96247546770511e-15  8.25406551180014e-15                    -1   1.5376819217719e-16  9.53638652834899e-17
-4.33680868994202e-19 -2.42861286636753e-17      1.08012366686469 -1.56992474575901e-16 -1.86484593550528e-15    -0.360639128029168 -9.43689570931383e-16
 -0.00221054670175931    -0.180520908446253    -0.163398249889719    0.0358455796706924  3.58913097618597e-16     0.915938127508575    -0.818024289980275
 -0.00221054670175931    -0.180520908446253     0.163398249889719    0.0358455796706913 -1.81720565459643e-16    -0.915938127508571     -0.81802428998028

D Matrix: 

     1.06674785705696    -0.298758673156424   -0.0271382074326784 -5.22820475387226e-18  1.30490982947372e-17    0.0406029482955852    0.0406029482955852
   -0.298758673156424      1.33412527671956     0.165031319702647  6.60118753309486e-17 -3.65032684059589e-17     -0.18007224693068     -0.18007224693068
  -0.0271382074326784     0.165031319702647      1.09622992546388  3.77332971608437e-16  2.10621859877963e-16    -0.123747600380403    -0.123747600380402
-5.22820475387226e-18  6.60118753309486e-17  3.77332971608437e-16     0.999999999999999 -2.54870262804354e-16 -4.59754747387399e-17 -1.46671925409554e-16
 1.30490982947372e-17 -3.65032684059589e-17  2.10621859877963e-16 -2.54870262804354e-16      1.16666713572122    -0.176490316830156     0.176490316830156
   0.0406029482955852     -0.18007224693068    -0.123747600380403 -4.59754747387399e-17    -0.176490316830156    0.0605765785519323   0.00717860241788593
   0.0406029482955852     -0.18007224693068    -0.123747600380402 -1.46671925409554e-16     0.176490316830156   0.00717860241788593    0.0605765785519321
iter: 0 Energy: -82.1486228591141 Delta E: -82.1486228591141
iter: 1 Energy: -83.8387580294251 Delta E: -1.69013517031105
iter: 2 Energy: -83.8721528577089 Delta E: -0.0333948282838179
iter: 3 Energy: -83.8734424503977 Delta E: -0.00128959268880635
iter: 4 Energy: -83.8735797237501 Delta E: -0.000137273352308398
iter: 5 Energy: -83.8736033783244 Delta E: -2.36545743490524e-05
iter: 6 Energy: -83.8736078646384 Delta E: -4.48631398342059e-06
iter: 7 Energy: -83.8736087370738 Delta E: -8.7243537905124e-07
iter: 8 Energy: -83.8736089079222 Delta E: -1.70848409197788e-07
iter: 9 Energy: -83.8736089414476 Delta E: -3.35253815819669e-08
iter: 10 Energy: -83.8736089480301 Delta E: -6.58253895835514e-09

Final HF Energy: -74.9659014936493

Freed Memory
Time (CPU) : 0.055469
Time (USR) : 0.00543689727783203


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