This was an individual portfolio assignment in the course "DATA2410 - Networking and cloud computing" at Oslo Metropolitan University.
We were tasked with creating a Python chat room with bots and a host that could talk to each other through a TCP socket.
Start by running the in a terminal window with the port as the argument.
The server will then go in listen-mode and wait for connections and let us know if somebody connects.
Open up at least one terminal for a bot, or as many as you see fit. Keep in mind that there are only 3 bots to choose from: Ash, Misty and Brock
One must also open one terminal for the host-client, aka. the user. More hosts are allowed, but only one is recommended for optimized use.
Start in the new terminals with 3 arguments: IP-address, port and name. The name decides whether you're a bot or a host.
The chatroom should now be intact. The user can write whatever he/she desires, and the bot(s) will respond accordingly.
The bots will have seperate responses for a set of given verbs.
To disconnect, one can simply close the terminal windows. The host can also write "SHUTDOWN" to disconnect all clients and stop the server. The server will notify the clients when somebody disconnects.
- Hosts the chat room.
- Requires port number as argument:
python3 4242
- Type -h for more info:
usage: [-h] port Start the chat server and listen for incoming connections. Example: 4242 positional arguments: port The port the server is running on (Integers only). optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit
- Requires port number as argument:
- Bots and host
- Requires IP address/hostname, port number and client name as arguments. The client name can be anything, but will become a bot if a bot name is given.
python3 localhost 4242 Steven
- Type -h for more info:
usage: [-h] IP port name Connect to the chat room. Example: localhost 4242 Steven positional arguments: IP IP address of the server the client is connecting to. port The port the client is connecting to (Integers only). name The name of the client. Connect as a host or a bot(Ash, Misty or Brock) optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit
- Requires IP address/hostname, port number and client name as arguments. The client name can be anything, but will become a bot if a bot name is given.