I have worked on multiple application from past 1+ year as a freelance developer. Theres a lot of experince i gain while working on these professinal projects for reallife usecase.
==As Code for all these Projects are kept private, This repo is just to showcase all those projects==.
- Getx state managemnt for Quiz
- Implement Search funcitonality
- Vedio Player - Chewie
- Local Storage & Shared Preferences
- JSON Data
- Clean and minimilistic UI design.
App Working
Work as a Quiz app where user can select their desired quiz and get scores after completing the quiz. Can also create for particular quiz users want. Quizzes are categories on the basis or category of Subject and Quiz type. Also mark their favourite quizzes.
- Convert Adobe_Xd Design to Flutter. Pixel Perfect Design.
- Url_launcher
- SVG data
- Splash Screen
- Custom Expandable Tiles
App Working
The app is used for Listing all the businesses handled by the company so that anyone gets details of that business. Also, create an Admin login which is hidden in the logo of the company and only opens when you click on the first alphabet (a) of aranacaklar. This allows only the admin to add businesses to this list.
- Convert Adobe_Xd Design to Flutter. Pixel Perfect Design.
- Custom Bottom Navigation Bar
- Animated icons
- Sliders and Progress bar
- Unique Design
App Working
App where people can listen to live podcasts and music from Radio Stations. Hosted on Play Store. Have a custom app bar, blogs, schedule and live video option.
- Convert Adobe_Xd Design to Flutter. Pixel Perfect Design.
- Flutter Animation
- Splash Screen Animation
- Google #, Facebook #, Firebase Auth
- Constants Files, Export Files
- App Routes, Tab Bar
- Packages( carousel_slider, image_picker, flutter_swipable, otp_text_field picker, Shared Preferences, Firebase) and much more.
App Working
The app helps you to Discover new and Like-minded people and connect with them through chat, voice and video calls. Matchmaking apps help you to connect only with those you like. Get gold date points to chat, call or interact with them online.
- Localization (Two languages English & Arab)
- Push Notification ( Firebase Notification )
- WebView
- Custom API (Login, Register, Database & Searching)
- Local Storage
- Google Authentication
- Account Verification mail.
- Google Fonts
- FVM 2.5.0
App Working
Your first destination to shop for diamond, gold and jewellery online. Chat with Seller, and chose your favourite. Users can browse the app in English as well as Arab too.
- Work with Postman collections.
- Integrate custom APIs.
- Integrate Tabular format for Future data.
- Searching & Filtering data on basis of date.
- Vedio Player - Chewie & youtube Player.
- Work With cached network images.
- Local Storage & Shared Preferences
- Clean UI/UX designs.
App Working
The app is for Shiva Bricks Shop. They can see the total amount, commission and overall balance in a details way in organised tables. Also can see images and vediosvideos related to their work. Can contact the shop and get their details.
Listing Future Data using DataTable. Expandable Tile with Expansion Radio functionality.
- Convert Adobe_Xd Design to Flutter. Pixel Perfect Design.
- Worked with Bottom nav bar and Tab bar navigation.
- Custom fonts, Charts, App routes, Device Orientation.
App Working
Cryptography trading application. Worked on Frontend of this app. App to manage, buy or sell your assets. Get tips and ideas for trading. Your transaction history and your portfolio. SwissBorg is democratising wealth management by making it fun, fair, and community-centric.