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Azure Landing Zones - Private/Organizational Azure Container Registry Deployment (also known as private registry for Bicep modules)

This document outlines the prerequisites, dependencies and flow to setup a Private/Organizational Azure Container Registry. Once deployed, you can then upload the modules contained within this repository, and deploy.

This is based on the official Bicep docs here: Create private registry for Bicep modules


  1. Microsoft Entra Tenant.
  2. Minimum 1 subscription. Subscription(s) are required when configuring Azure Container Registry services.
  3. Deployment Identity with Contributor permission to the subscription.

Deployment Flow

  1. Clone Bicep Azure Landing Zone Github repository
    • git clone
  2. Login to Azure leveraging PowerShell or CLI
    • PowerShell: Connect-AzAccount
    • CLI: az login
  3. Select Azure Subscription to deploy Container Registry to
    • PowerShell: Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'
    • CLI: az account set --subscription 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'
  4. Create Resource Group
  5. Call Bicep template to create Azure Container Registry
  6. Loop through infra-az-code/bicep/modules folders and call bicep publish for each bicep module in this repo

Provided automation

Two scripts exist which automate steps 4 to 6.


Prior to executing your desired script, steps one and two need to be complete, and the two variables should be reviewed in the script.

  • Variables exist on lines 3 and 4 of each script and should be updated to match your desired resource group and region.
  • Execute script with following commands:
    • PowerShell: ./docs/scripts/createRGandcallBicep.ps1
    • CLI: ./docs/scripts/