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Releases: Azure/azure-kusto-go


12 Mar 07:50
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  • ToDeclarationString is now deterministic.


09 Mar 08:36
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  • [BREAKING] The minimal go version is now 1.22
  • [BREAKING] Split the main module into two packages:
    • azkustodata - contains querying, management APIs.
    • azkustoingest - contains ingestion in all its forms.
  • [BREAKING] New API for querying, see for more details.
  • [BREAKING] Constructing ingest clients is now done using a KustoConnectionStringBuilder, and not a client struct.
  • [BREAKING] Changes in the kusto type system:
    • Kusto values will now return a pointer when they are nullable. This applies to all types except for string.
    • Decimal values are now represented as decimal.Decimal instead of string. This is to maintain efficiency and ease of use.
  • [BREAKING] Aligned KCSB (Kusto Connection String Builder) parsing with other SDKS:
    • Removed keywords InteractiveLogin and RedirectURL
    • Keywords are now case-insensitive, and ignore spaces.
    • Added GetConnectionString(includeSecrets bool) method to KCSB, to get a canonical connection string, with or without secrets.
    • the WithApplicationCertificate on KustoConnectionStringBuilder was removed as it was ambiguous and not implemented correctly. Instead there are two new methods:
      • WithAppCertificatePath - Receives the path to the certificate file.
      • WithAppCertificateBytes - Receives the certificate bytes in-memory.
        Both methods accept an optional password for the certificate.
    • WithUserManagedIdentity has been removed in favor of more specific functions:
      • WithUserAssignedIdentityClientId - Receives the MSI client id
      • WithUserAssignedIdentityResourceId - Receives the MSI resource id
  • [BREAKING] The Dynamic type now returns a []byte of json, it's up to the user to marshall it to the desired type. It can also be null.
  • [BREAKING] ManagedStreamingClient constructor now only requires the query endpoint, and will infer the ingest endpoint from it. If you want to use a different endpoint, use the azkustoingest.WithCustomIngestConnectionString() option.
  • [BREAKING] Removed the old deprecated Stream() method on queued ingest client, instead use azkustoingest.NewStreaming() or azkustoingest.NewManaged() for proper streaming ingest client.
  • [BREAKING] Removed QueryIngestion() option for Query client. If you want to perform commands against the dm, create a query client with the "ingest-" endpoint.


09 Sep 06:35
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  • Proper parsing of booleans for rare cases where the values are returned as integers.
  • Reverted new json library to the default one, as it was causing issues with edge cases.


27 Aug 09:49
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  • Use the new azqueue library.
  • Various dependency updates.


  • the WithApplicationCertificate on KustoConnectionStringBuilder was removed as it was ambiguous and not implemented correctly. Instead there are two new methods:
    • WithAppCertificatePath - Receives the path to the certificate file.
    • WithAppCertificateBytes - Receives the certificate bytes in-memory.
      Both methods accept an optional password for the certificate.
  • WithUserManagedIdentity has been deprecated in favor of more specific functions:
    • WithUserAssignedIdentityClientId - Receives the MSI client id
    • WithUserAssignedIdentityResourceId - Receives the MSI resource id
  • WithUserManagedIdentity has been deprecated in favor of more specific functions:
    • WithUserAssignedIdentityClientId - Receives the MSI client id
    • WithUserAssignedIdentityResourceId - Receives the MSI resource id
  • V2FrameCapacity was renamed to V2IoCapacity to better reflect its purpose.
  • V2FragmentCapacity was renamed to V2TableCapacity to better reflect its purpose.
  • Removed Skip option from IterativeTable, as the usecase for it was not clear.
  • Better defaults for buffer sizes.


  • Fixed Mapping Kind not working correctly with certain formats.
  • Fixed plenty of sync issues.
  • Reduced allocations.


30 Jul 13:04
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  • Added new valid endpoints for the Kusto service.


17 Jun 06:33
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  • Fixed Mapping Kind not working correctly with certain formats.


05 Jun 08:39
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  • Row and fragment capacity options to iterative dataset creation.
  • Added RawV2 method for manual parsing.


  • Changed frame defaults to be more reasonable


11 Apr 09:01
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  • [BREAKING] The Dynamic type now returns a []byte of json, it's up to the user to marshall it to the desired type. It can also be null.
  • E2E tests now avoid creating tables when possible.


  • Methods for getting a guid value (were missing).
  • Support obscure column aliases.


  • Fixed a panic when using the xByY methods on a null value.
  • Fixed race in closing the client.
  • Fixed special float values not being parsed correctly.


01 Apr 10:36
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  • Fix storage URI parsing for hostname with more than 5 parts.
  • Keep original error when refreshing ingestion resources fails.


11 Mar 11:36
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v1.0.0-preview Pre-release



  • See for a migration guide for the changes
  • [BREAKING] The minimal go version is now 1.22
  • [BREAKING] [MAJOR] Split the main module into two packages:
    • azkustodata - contains querying, management APIs.
    • azkustoingest - contains ingestion in all its forms.
  • [BREAKING] [MAJOR] New API for querying, see for more details.
  • [BREAKING] [MAJOR] Constructing ingest clients is now done using a KustoConnectionStringBuilder, and not a client struct.
  • [BREAKING] [MAJOR] Changes in the kusto type system:
    • Kusto values will now return a pointer when they are nullable. This applies to all types except for string.
    • Decimal values are now represented as decimal.Decimal instead of string. This is to maintain efficiency and ease of use.
  • In addition, passing a default database and table for ingestion is not necessary anymore, and can be done using Options.
    // before:
     queryClient := kusto.New("")
     client := ingest.New(quetryClient, "some-db", "some-table")
     // after:
     client := azkustoingest.New("", azkustoingest.WithDefaultDatabase("someDb"), azkustoingest.WithDefaultTable("someTable"))
  • Added autocorrection for endpoints for ingest clients. When creating a client, the "ingest-" will be added or removed as needed. To avoid this behavior, use the azkustoingest.WithoutEndpointCorrection() option.
  • ManagedStreamingClient constructor now only requires the query endpoint, and will infer the ingest endpoint from it. If you want to use a different endpoint, use the azkustoingest.WithCustomIngestConnectionString() option.
  • Removed the old deprecated Stream() method on queued ingest client, instead use azkustoingest.NewStreaming() or azkustoingest.NewManaged() for proper streaming ingest client.
  • Removed QueryIngestion() option for Query client. If you want to perform commands against the dm, create a query client with the "ingest-" endpoint.